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Posts posted by psn

  1. 14 hours ago, Hautlle said:

    Finished up the RYK M185 sequencer.  Took me longer than anticipated since 1 switch wouldn't work.  After troubleshooting my soldering/parts placement for a couple of days it turns out there was some gunk inside the switch that kept it from working....





    Congrats, looks good! Cool that it has a couple of features not on the Metropolis.

  2. 36 minutes ago, auxien said:

    all these rich and powerful motherfuckers sure got lots of words. wish they would/would've shown some action.

    don't get me wrong, the words are good. but i've got words. lots of people got words. i ain't got money and power and elite friends and influence, they do. they ain't used it and they ain't using it now. 

    The optimistic take on it is that it encourages more dissent from GOP and the government. 


    36 minutes ago, auxien said:



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  3. 17 minutes ago, user said:

    It’s in a very early stage. It works fine using one of the m4l midi/sysex externals but there are 2 hurdles I need to overcome. 

    First is (and I hope to figure this out today, it’s being done by other people, I just don’t understand) is sending lsb/msb for all the “level” parameters because just sending msb is causing it to skip values. 
    Second thing is, and this will probably take me longer, the parameters and order of parameters change depending on the chosen QV configuration. I think I’ve thought of a way to deal with this but it’s going to take a while to implement. The good thing is that this will also help decide how to structure the interface on the m4l device. 

    If you like I can send you the device when it’s a bit further along. My QV is a QVGT though so I’m not entirely sure if the sysex strings will be the same for the regular QV. Although once the device is beefed out a bit more changing the sysex strings should be quite simple. 

    Would be fun to have a look when it's coming along, yeah! I only have the regular QV, though.

  4. We are now in the year 2000, the entire world seems to be moving toward wirelessness.

    Will the personal computer and laptop become obsolete technology?
    Will we all be able to interface with a giant supercomputer, such as the Beast in Belgium, by way of micro-electronic handheld technology?
    This is an interesting concept to seriously consider.

    Will we all have the ability to access and process information by mobile telephones, or some type of miniature handheld technology?
    This will become a possibility.

    Software and computer companies all over the planet are investigating and researching the possibilities and application of wireless information technology.
    Asia and Europe at this time are at the forefront in the race of wireless information exchange.
    North and South American companies are working fanatically to play catch-up in the world of wireless information networks.

    NTT, Google, the innovators of the i-mode cellular telephone who have approximately 13 million Japanese linked to the information superhighway are in the leadership position for this type of technology.
    People can now transmit electronic mail, check financial activity and browse the internet through their mobile phones.
    But this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as possibilities are concerned.

    Imagine one day of having the activity to accomplish all your daily tasks anywhere at any time without having to be at a particular location to achieve a certain task.
    In today's fast paced society people want unlimited flexibility and mobility
    This is now mandatory for virtually every aspect of human progress.

    Almost everyone possesses a cellular telephone, and the subscription number is expanding exponentially.
    One day we will all be wireless and this is a fact.
    One day we will be able to do almost everything by remote control, with a multiple array of digital handheld devices.

    What will the implications be for humanity?
    Who will benefit and who will suffer?

    These are the important questions that we as a society must seriously ask ourselves.
    We are all atomic and sub-atomic particles, and we are all wireless.

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