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Posts posted by AJW

  1. Uviol is totally a winter song. Pure ice world. I don't know how you guys can hear hot weather in there. I used to get an image in my head whenever I heard it of this pristine icy wonderland slowly getting wrecked by a shambling multidimensional snow-beast

    For me it's the prevalent insectoid feel the album seems to have. It's jungle fever baby - fetid conditions and sweaty fevers trickling over your brain.


    The only one that comes close to sounding wintry to me is eidetic casein, but even that's more ice/glass structure sounding as opposed to wintry landscapes.


    Goksung (The Wailing) 8/10


    Good flick. Though I couldn't help feeling there was a fine little gem of a slapstick comedy, a la Mr. Vampire, hiding beneath a slightly drawn out horror film. Kwak do won kills it as the sweet but gormless cop, Jong-Goo.


    The way he acts in the first quarter of the film is pure gold. You'd think he'd just wandered onto the set from some other film, and I could have happily watched him navigate in this fashion for the duration.


    The zany antics of Jong-Goo include:


    -Wussing out big time with a colleague at the police station during a thunderstorm.


    -Almost getting busted by his 8 year old daughter whilst having sex in the backseat of a car.


    -Arriving late at a crime scene (using his mother in law as an excuse) then just wandering around uselessly before wussing out as soon as things start to kick off, leaving his colleagues to deal with it.


    -Now delegated to guarding a crime scene, Jong-Goo and his chum hang around outside, not even bothering to do anything about a girl further down the road chucking rocks at them. A couple of scenes later, chum now absent, Jong-Goo is perched on a rickety chair, chilling on his smartphone, surrounded by rocks.


    -After being scolded by a superior for arriving late again (now using his daughter as an excuse) general uselessness and not washing the police car properly, the dynamic duo proceed to drive out to a scenic riverside spot to chill and read the paper.


    -Whilst interviewing a witness, Jong-Goo and chum begin discussing amongst themselves whether or not adults can wear diapers. Jong-Goo then deftly rounds off the scene by asking the witness for an address of somewhere out in the middle of a forest.


    -During a visit to said forest, Jong-Goo causes the witness to tumble down a hill where he is subsequently struck by lightning.

  3. Elseq (and to a lesser degree Exai) has had a reverse aeffect on me. I liked it on release, but my enjoyment of it dwindled steadily. There just isn't that certain something that's in all their releases up until and including Oversteps. Is it just me?


    Even now I can go back and listen to tracks like sublimit, surripere and be blown away. Quite long tracks but packed with so much focus and variation the time flies by. Those tracks do not feel long at all.

    Put on eastre, elcy6, actually quite a few tracks from elseq, and I just find myself bored and checking how far the track is, I mean what the hell, this is Autechre, that's not supposed to happen when listening to Autechre!


    Did they lose their third member 'the' Autechre?



    pendulu hv moda IS great though.

  4. I've always wanted to listen to pro radii in a pitch black padded room that maybe rotates and turns slowly, maybe you put on a padded bubble suit and step inside with others and bounce off each other as you listen to the track.

    Haha yes! Could be part of an Autechre theme park

  5. So far Oniom and pendulu casual are my most listened to tracks and the two I always find myself coming back to.


    Perhaps one day when I'm half senile and have a mechanical heart etc. I'll be able to properly appreciate tracks like elcy6, mesh. But right now they are just too long to justify. Even when I'm in the right mood for it, I find myself just getting bored with it pretty quick. What is the idea behind making them so long with such little variation? Variation of course being something Autechre otherwise normally excel at. Are they getting too old, is some form of lazyness setting in now they've finally found the sound they were searching for? I hope they get hungry again for next release and resume making music together in the same room as opposed to sending material back and forth.

  6. The Danish Girl


    Unwatchable cheesy cringe-fest. I've never seen a film trying so hard, even a toddler could see through all the melodramatic bullshit.

    I was hoping to see something that actually covers the topic with at least some sense of realism but it just becomes a parody of itself the more it goes on.


    Don't watch if you're not a 9 year old girl

    Have you seen Tangerine? Kind the same topic, really good film

  7. I think the dryness on Untilted definetely works in its favor, that intense pristine feel it gives, makes the squelchier sounds just sound even more awesome in contrast when they do appear. 


    david brent: life on the road - simply unwatchable, i lasted only 10 minutes. it's just really sad and depressing to see someone drop from genius to utter wack.

    what are you talking about? the original Office is the only thing he's ever made ever, I don't know about any other things

    He's kind of annoying yeah but he also brought us good stuff like Extras and Karl Pilkington.

  9. Untilted unused designs by Alex Rutterford






    Also it is still my favorite Autechre album.

    Now this I would buy merchandise of. T shirts, mugs, post cards, underwear, whaddevva. Looks so fuckin good.

  10. Happy People: A Year in the Taiga


    A documentary about an extremely isolated village of about 300 people in the middle of Siberia. Mainly follows one fur trapper through the seasons of one year, though. I don't know what's so hypnotizing about this film but there's something. Maybe because it's the polar opposite of a high tech western lifestyle. The main dude was an excellent choice for a central element of the film. He spends most of the year 90 miles from the already middle of nowhere village, basically completely independently surviving in extremely harsh conditions. One main theme also is the relationship between man and dog, and how indispensable the dog is to a hunter/trapper.


    I don't like when documentaries romanticize the harsh conditions of "simple living" people, but I didn't exactly get that here. Saying that to preface that there's a certain zen to this movie. I watched it two nights in a row. If anybody has any recommendations for similar stuff, go ahead.


    It's on Netflix (US) right now.

    Yeah I really enjoyed this too, very re watchable. Maybe try this one too http://m.imdb.com/title/tt1093824/?ref_=m_nm_knf_i4


    Was that OSU shooting out of a political disagreement tho? I'm only seeing speculation so far. I've yet to read any official reports on the actual motive.

    It doesn't really matter what the particular motivation is, I don't think.

    Whether's it's sexual rejection (e.g. Elliot Rogers), racial scapegoating (e.g. The kid who shot up the black church because of course black people are the reason I'm so miserable), or some abstract ideological concern, the distorted maps that lead to evil are all the same:


    You are *here*

    The thing you want is *there*

    And 'other people' are the obstacles standing in your way

    And of course I am perfect (and therefor don't need to change)

    so *they* are the problem



    Yeah, standing in line stinks. 





    Was that OSU shooting out of a political disagreement tho? I'm only seeing speculation so far. I've yet to read any official reports on the actual motive.

    It doesn't really matter what the particular motivation is, I don't think.

    Whether's it's sexual rejection (e.g. Elliot Rogers), racial scapegoating (e.g. The kid who shot up the black church because of course black people are the reason I'm so miserable), or some abstract ideological concern, the distorted maps that lead to evil are all the same:


    You are *here*

    The thing you want is *there*

    And 'other people' are the obstacles standing in your way

    And of course I am perfect (and therefor don't need to change)

    so *they* are the problem

    The conditions for those "maps" to develop are relevant though. (parents etc..)
    Yeah...I think the basic precondition for evil is "I acted towards a desired outcome, and the world punished me for it"


    So maybe you go up to talk to a girl you like in the hallway, and you ask her out, and she starts laughing and so does everyone else within earshot...and maybe everybody teases you about it for the rest of the school year...


    That would generate anger and resentment, and so now we have the basic starting conditions for evil


    Now, you can plug any possible goal/motivation into that algorithm and the results will always be the the same (save for the surface details)...and so the ideal, healthy person is one that troubleshoots himself first (instead of instantly assuming that he's right and the world is wrong)



    We've all been there man, too bad they made fun of you. I think some degree of resentment towards such behaviour is a normal even healthy reaction. As long as it doesn't spread to "the rest of the world"

  12. Weiner

    Anthony Weiner is refreshing as hell. Unfortunately he's a drop in the ocean of stuck up moralists, vultures and media monkeys surrounding him. The whole debacle speaks volumes about the venal political atmosphere, a valid point which is most likely lost like a fart in the wind. But that's the political world we live in I guess.

    In the insane world of politics a sane man must appear insane. Guys like Weiner just don't make it on that scene. A dam shame. Dude seemed to have some decent policies too.


    And don't get me started on that girl ratting on him like that, jeez what a cunt.

  13. If Trump was playing Oregon Trail like he was playing America, it'd be like:


    Jebediah was bitten by a rattlesnake. What do you do?


    A. Lay Jebediah flat to decrease circulation and extract the poison with a turkey baster buried somewhere in the bottom of the wagon.


    B. Amputate the limb which was bitten.


    C. Make him run around in circles until he drops dead.




    The tremendous answer is C.


  14. So, I had the amusing pleasure of seeing this Trump fellow a couple if weeks ago. He was up on a podium in a verbal argument with what looked like a short, robot like woman, possibly a clone comprised of so many mid-western cookie baking, soccer moms.


    The lightly rotund one seemed to wear a golden crown on his head. He was very intriguing. His enthusiasm to humor the bleeps and bloops coming from his compact fembot opponent, caused him to strike the most amusing pose. He stood like a headmaster, forced to listen to banal drivel from a sullen, spoilt child. With his feet close together, perhaps it was his suit (which might have been on the tight side) it certainly brought out the buxom nature of his derriere and caused it to jut ever so slightly, a hint of sway in his back. He managed to hold this somewhat raunchy position for quite some time.


    All the while his great golden crown turning attentively from side to side to address this or that conniving question from some random automaton.


    I couldn't help but smile and relish his humanness.

    If there's gonna be a new name constantly cropping up in conversation, a new face and voice on television, I wouldn't mind it being this guy: The golden crowned one, the natural king. If he has his way, we'll all find unknown pleasure and peace of mind in knowing our place. We won't like it to begin with, we'll protest and scream and fight. But sooner or later we'll all succumb to the natural way, suckling on the all American, golden haired teet of the almighty king.

  15. ha I had eastre and oneum on repeat while we sat outside with the candles n pumpkins handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters this last monday on halloween. cheers to the neighbors indeed

    Those two are great haelloween picks, nice one.

  16. Man I'll definitely be watching the new Trainspotting. It's not the mid nineties and I don't expect it to hit me like a freight train like the first one did, but I remain positive. Will be interesting to see what they came up with.


    Rewatched Gonzo: The life & work of Hunter S. Thompson again last night, so uplifting to be in the presence of such an awesome fellow for the duration.

  17. Hunt for the Wilderpeople


    Great cosy one too watch on an autumns evening with the family. Relies somewhat on quirky shtick, but quite irresistible watch nonetheless.

    Didn't realize it was Sam Neill until around halfway through, so lean and beardy lol

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