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Posts posted by AJW

  1. To all folks complaining about the price: if you want this music enough, you'll find the money. Otherwise let it be a lesson and start saving NOW for the next AE release!!


    To all folks complaining about Autechre reviews in the media: These journalists aren't necessarily Autechre fans or properly familiar with Autechre. You can't be too hard on them. They probably got schedules and review deadlines etc. Elseq being just one on a list of albums to listen to and review. A 7/10 is not a bad review for experimental music like this and it gives Autechre a bit of exposure.


    Where's the beef?


    If you think you can write better reviews, contact the site/magazine whatever and do your thing.




    Elseq definitely has the most nocturnal/nighttime vibe of all ae lps/eps. My fav is still ep1, but that is subject to change


    Agree, on the nocturnal. I find a noticeable difference in how much more I enjoy it at night. Downright weird.



    Yes! Some of the tracks really shine in a different way around this time the witching hour (pendulu casual, pendulu hv moda, freulaeux, oneum, eastre). These long hypnotic tracks. I wait until dusk before listening.

  3. Elseq. It landed same day I received some sclerotia. Downloaded the flacs slapped them onto my mp3 player, packed my rucksack, chomped down the sclerotia and headed out on my bike. Along the coast and to the forest. What an experience. Warm sunny weather and a deep blue/purple sundown. Standing atop a museum built into a hillside listening to pendulu hv moda and gliding along back home with 7th slip (the ooh's & ahh's) freulaeux (our friends from frolix 8) and pendulu casual (scoop the rice, sift the rice) were highlights, but it really all meshed together nicely. Real profound pleasure, meditation and movement. Haven't felt this connected with the techre since Oversteps.

  4. It would be a shame if dancing wasn't an option, best scenario would be a venue that had balcony seats or something to that effect where people could sit and chill.


    Personally I find it hard not to dance at least a bit.

    But I guess it would be an interesting experience to see them in a theatre environment with plush chairs, ornamented walls etc.


    Just as long as they don't abandon the "old fashioned" dance friendly venues completely.

  5. Quite some similarities between these sets no? Like they're stretching certain parts longer/shortening certain bits from show to show The beginning of them all reminds me a bit of Gescom - Slow Acid funnily enough, especially on the Brussels one.


    Definitely sections/sound that bring me right back to Melt festival too


    This is wild stuff. Been listening to the Dublin and Krakow ones especially. Consciousness is being heaved around on these constantly unfolding levels of erupting structure.


    "It never stops moving!"


    Need lots more time to absorb this properly though

  6. I just signed up, but no invite email. Have I missed a boarding of the good boat ae? Don't leave me on the shore, ae! Sail not into that gentle night! Sail not!


    So do only people who signed up within 24 hours get access to this inestimable treasure?

    Same here. Try clicking "forgot password" worked for me.

  7. ^ lol. It's WATMM: The Movie.


    Been watching a little selection of Halloween-y films the last few weeks during the nice earthy smelling darkened evenings ofc.


    Night Of The Creeps

    The Shining


    Amityville (1979)

    Eyes Without A Face

  8. My local shop has started stocking a selection of American candies.

    I picked up some packets of Junior Mints (the very same that Kramer inadvertently spills into the abdomen of a patient in surgery in Seinfeld) and some Charleston Chews.


    Both were pretty satisfactory, so candywise my opinion of the United States of America has definitely gone up a few notches, maybe even five.

  9. I've heard so much praise for Stand alone, but I don't get it. To me it felt like a typical action based anime series based loosely on the original characters.


    The original had a unique atmosphere about it, reminiscent of a PKD novel. Alot of the dialogue scenes were like still pictures with added sound, music was perfect and those scenes floating through the city, so memorable.


    If the content is good and meaningful I don't mind this animation style too much, it's not that bad.


    But has anything new actually been added throughout the GITS sequels and series spin offs? Or do they all just milk the great ideas of the original.


    I saw Innocence which was bad all round, and didn't make it past a couple of episodes of the Stand Alone series which seemed awfully unnecessary and boring.


    Ghost In The Shell the original, leave it at that.

  11. in light of the recent Hersheys child labour kerfuffle, and what other dodgy business they're probably involved in, I'm not sure whether to eat this Hersheys bar I have, or ritualisticly burn it: though burning it will achieve nothing, and I don't exactly want to waste food. The bar has been produced, the harm is done, I'm gonna eat this Hersheys bar sometime today.

  12. Almost done with Radio Free Albemuth


    more coherant than Valis which I need to reread since I only made it half way through last time round. PKD pumping on all the good pistons for sure. Will be watching the film afterward.

  13. The more I listen to this, the more it reminds me of a less psychotic, more resolved/melancholic st epreo.


    Currently sharing top list of recent autechre together with that dilankex remix

  14. ^ It was good. Besides the 'deep stuff' there were some notable comedic moments that came like lightning from a clear sky: the kid flying his toy into the midst of the serious coffe table discussion, the two guys getting messed with by some girls at the after ski thing and that whole bus scene. Infact the premise itself it pretty hilarious.

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