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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by nyr22


    i absolutely adore threads were people go "mine has shipped", "shipping confirmed", etc. so here goes:


    bleep has sent my cheetah


    yep, mine is on the way too


  2. So many great laid back melodies that keep changing on this one, also some amazing SAW 1 vibes that kick in around 2 minutes in - as usual it's completely different by the time you get to the end


    It really feels like he's perfecting his style while endlessly reinventing it

  3. One of my top 15 favourite albums.


    Funniest thing is that it's objectively not that good. It doesn't suck but there is one really good track and the rest are just "what the fuck?"

    But it kind of reminds me of Nirvana when Smells like Teen Spirit came out: one good track with a bunch of "what the fuck?" but it came out at the right time that made it stand out from everything else. It did a good job capturing the the mood and insanity of being on drugs. The novelty hasn't worn off on it. It's the Ween of IDM.

    So many good tracks on Nevermind, you may need to check it out again

  4. What do you think he means "yeah most of them are files though for disklavier, so got to get around to recording them"?


    I guess he means that no recordings actually exist yet, so he needs to get them recorded? I didn't know if there was some sense of deteriorating format or something.


    He just has the data files that control the disklavier machine, so he has to run them and then record the sound of the disklavier actually playing the notes he programmed


    I like earth portal too, but it's so.... sloppy. (which I mean I think was on purpose but still, not my favorite.)

    i don't know, it's not often you hear electro/IDM/techno music so plastic and pliant like earth portal. it's really fluid, and yeah, it has a looseness about it. dunno if i'd call it sloppy, though
    I think it's super precise but it's easy to get thrown off since it seems like a whole new track every 5-10 seconds
  6. did anybody ever figure out who the brainwaltzera sc was? some of the tracks up there are still tops


    Still not sure exactly as it seems there were tracks from multiple people, at least one track was from soundcloud.com/mis-bit, and based on now deleted comments soundcloud.com/ogie at least knew about the situation, but not sure if he provided tracks or not, although the tons of greek lettering and references to macedonia hinted that he did


    Btw. I'm feeling Exai will be my favourite AE album for a long time if not for ever. It's just an amazing colorful sonic journey that has no competitor for me. It's great the guys are still able to record something that I feel may be their greatest achievement in their career.

    This! Exai is so great.
    Yes it alternates between detailed programming with a sense of entropy and bouts of extreme ornamentation with otherworldly spaciousness and meticulous rhythms

    So glad they made it a double length album

  8. I need to listen to this again... I remember hearing this and SAW II around the same time... mind blown.


    Still my favorite Orb album, it puts me in a trance as soon as soon as I hear the first few sounds


    The first two tracks can transform the atmosphere of a room completely, and then things just get crazy after that, it's a true psychedelic masterpiece


    Heard it playing in a tiny record store when it first came out, asked what it was and bought immediately when I saw the cover


    DIdn't listen to much electronic music at that time, this launched me into an electronic addiction for life as it lead me to buy ICBYD a month later when it came out, what an amazing summer of music that year



    H E A T Master race signing in.


    Are all the Night weirdos American?


    Not at all man.


    I have always thought it was Heat. Was surprised there was even a debate.



    I don't know who they are or where they're from, but anyone who forces two syllables into "night" really should get a PET scan, because it's clearly a tumor.



    Adding syllables happens all the time in songs, it leads to misheard lyrics fairly often


    Neil Young forced four syllables into "night" in Tonight's the Night, but then again he's Canadian and he did have an aneurysm 30 years later

  10. My only whine is the lack of DrukQs out-takes/variations. Other than that, what we got was more than we could ever have hoped for.


    That said....you got any more of those tunes Rich? Just a taste, just dab it on me tongue son :'(

    I'm sure he'll keep dosing it out in the coming months and years, unloading it all now prevents future excitement down the road

    - in the later part of the dump this forum stopped blowing up as much when new tracks were posted, people were getting too used to it

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