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Posts posted by playbynumbers

  1. you went through 17 hours of music today and judged most of it to be crap?


    (hi pbn)



    literally listened to the tracks all day (I was excited!) while working; obviously if I wasn't feeling a track I would skip around a bit or just delete it, but I think I literally spent 8-10 hours listening to Aphex



  2. highly doubt BOC has anything near the amount of unreleased tracks as these guys





    unless they're lying in their interviews, BoC have been making music basically full-time since the late 1980s ... they lived in a commune (for most of this time) and made a ridiculous amount of music. i'd guess they have roughly as much stuff as RDJ.


    and even if they have less, i'm guessing it's higher quality than a lot of this Aphex soundcloud stuff ... I worked through most of it today and obviously 2/3rds of the tracks are crap (which is fine, that still leaves ~100 quality tracks; thanks Richard!).


    just stumbled across all this soundcloud stuff ... wtf man, thanks Richard


    Hey look everyone, it's playbynumbers!

    Where you been dude? Anyways - sit down and strap in, you're in for a ride! (check the µ-Ziq soundcloud account too hint hint)




    lol thanks, will check it out.


    someone seriously needs to explain Soundcloud to BoC! ffs man, if BoC released ~300 of their early tracks on Soundcloud I'm pretty sure I would literally have a heart attack and aneurysm at the same time

  4. it reminds me of quaristice, the 4 hours of music they released around that album ... i guess i can just make my own condensed album-length version out of the 2 hours of music they gave us, lol



    hi pbn, good to see you're still alive and kicking.


    I like Exai as a double album. I agree it's not as unique and groundbreaking as some of their other albums, but it makes up for it in delicious ear candy.


    Perhaps one word that fits it is "generous." To me it seems like quite a generous helping of tunes. It's comfort food that sticks to your ribs.

  5. Hmm (interview):


    "Some tracks deliberately finish earlier than you want them to, like actual cues in older soundtracks where they've been ripped out of much longer original masters that nobody ever gets to hear."


    Also I have to say, after a few listens ... I'm a tiny bit disappointed in TH. But we'll see

  6. Just listened to it all the way through for the first time ... mostly impressed. The mood is vaguely Geogaddi-ish, I feel like? Dark, certainly. Definitely a better album than Campfire Headphase, but I'm not sure if it quite reaches the heights of MHTRTC or IABPOITC. It definitely isn't boring and isn't a retread of their earlier sound, so I'm thankful for that at least.


    I'm trying to remember now, how did I first feel about Geogaddi in 2002? As I recall that was a bit of a grower.

  7. for some reason, went with my fiancee to see 'Oblivion' ... i vaguely already knew that it would be crap, but the m83 soundtrack pulled me in and i thought 'Tron: Legacy' was underrated.


    anyway, yeah; it was crap. avoid at all costs.

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