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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. guys, no fighting in the bunker! we can't succumb to madness...
  2. shit is probably going to get locked down in UK in next 2-3 weeks. no bars, restaurants etc will be allowed to open. so we'll all be stuck at home internetting like mad... get in this bunker whilst there's still time! going to have to batten down the hatches soon and not let anybody else in.
  3. I think they're right [emoji736]
  4. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/274305953315
  5. I'm considering digging a 90ft deep hole in my garden and building an apocalypse ready bolthole for me and a few select members of WATMM to hide in for the foreseeable future. The question is - which WATMMers should I take with me and why?
  6. Holy mother of Christ
  7. Good thanks. Let's keep all your quotes about it making you infertile and every other bit of nonsense you've said for the future too.
  8. this is completely untrue. there is not a 15-40% chance I will need hospitalisation at all. I'm not willing to entertain your prophecies of doom anymore. by all means stay in the thread, but I would urge everyone to ignore your doom saying.
  9. who says I've not already got it? why do you need this to be so scary and terrible? why are you thinking in such negative and catastrophic terms? I think you're doing that thing where you almost delight in the idea of a cataclysmic world altering event. it's not going to happen mate sorry.
  10. guys, pretty much every single one of you on here (if you actually get covid-19) will experience mild symptoms akin to a cold. many of you will experience no symptoms at all. you're NOT going to die. understand this is scary as the media is portraying it that way, but we need to keep some perspective and rationale.
  11. went out for pizza
  12. guys I've got a bit of a cold : (
  13. yeah but that was in 1918 innit
  14. BCM


    it's not the same guy with the 50 squid moog is it?
  15. Four out of five people who contract coronavirus will only experience mild symptoms, a WHO examination of data from 56,000 patients says. About one billion people catch [normal] influenza every year, with between 290,000 and 650,000 deaths.
  16. good quote from a guardian article: "When hysteria is rife, we might try some history. In 1997 we were told that bird flu could kill millions worldwide. Thankfully, it did not. In 1999 European Union scientists warned that BSE “could kill 500,000 people”. In total, 177 Britons died of vCJD. The first Sars outbreak of 2003 was reported by as having “a 25% chance of killings tens of millions” and being “worse than Aids”. In 2006, another bout of bird flu was declared “the first pandemic of the 21st century”, the scares in 2003, 2004 and 2005 having failed to meet their body counts. Then, in 2009, pigs replaced birds. The BBC announced that swine flu “could really explode”. The chief medical officer, Liam Donaldson, declared that “65,000 could die”. He spent £560m on a Tamiflu and Relenza stockpile, which soon deteriorated. The Council of Europe’s health committee chairman described the hyping of the 2009 pandemic as “one of the great medical scandals of the century”. These scenarios could have all come to pass of course – but they represent the direr end of the scale of predictions. Should public life really be conducted on a worst-case basis?" https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/06/coronavirus-hype-crisis-predictions-sars-swine-flu-panics
  17. Salmonella from eggs Mad Cow Disease Y2K Foot & Mouth 2012 Bird Flu Swine Flu Coronavirus
  18. that's fair enough if you ain't got any space... yeah maybe try and create a little mini setup you can fit on the kitchen table or something.
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