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A Reggae Lee Bowyer

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Posts posted by A Reggae Lee Bowyer

  1. Production value really should be a secondary thought when listening to music as far as I'm concerned. If you don't like the mixing or mastering, fair enough but it does not at all take away from quality of composition. There have been plenty of tracks posted in ekt over the years that demonstrate that point perfectly. It just feels like some people listen to music for the wrong reasons.

  2. To think how long he's held onto tracks of this quality without giving a shit about releasing them. It's fucking criminal. How can you have a track like XMAS EVET10 sitting there for years and be content with not showing it off???

    And Produk 29 is one fucking moody beast. I get a boner every time she says "Whore".



    on reddit


    "Yesterday when I went to my record store to reserve my copy of Syro, the owner of the place told me that when he calls me on Saturday to let me know that it is in the store, he's going to tell me about something else that will be available either on the same day or soon after.

    He told me that he's not allowed to say anything about what it might be..."




    Melodies from Mars.. Joyrex's avatar was a clue


    Oh god I fucking hope not. That better be totally reworked.


    I haven't been able to enjoy Syro very much on earphones so far. It sounds beautiful on my studio monitors but through the earphones it sounds pretty muddy and lacks clarity. My earphones are not top of the line but they are decent enough to have expected better.

    It's very rare that I listen to music on earphones anyway and it does sound fucking lovely on my monitors so I don't care but I'm curious to know how others feel on this. Maybe my earphones have gone shitty or the rip just isn't all that great.

    wow really? this album sounds fantastically produced on my audiotechnica, try with better headphones


    That's reassuring to read. I hope you're right. I should probably get some new headphones anyway.

  5. I haven't been able to enjoy Syro very much on earphones so far. It sounds beautiful on my studio monitors but through the earphones it sounds pretty muddy and lacks clarity. My earphones are not top of the line but they are decent enough to have expected better.
    It's very rare that I listen to music on earphones anyway and it does sound fucking lovely on my monitors so I don't care but I'm curious to know how others feel on this. Maybe my earphones have gone shitty or the rip just isn't all that great.

  6. Sort of random. but am I the only when when listening to this, find it all of a sudden ok to indulge in any bad habits you have? (preface: I'm sort of a health freak.. yeah one of those, but when I sat down to listen to this with the best sound I could muster and solitude, I ordered the largest pizza I could find, guzzled soda.. and randomly took a nicorette lozenge.)

    Woah! settle down there badboy




    heard it three times now and it doesn't work for me. not at all. i think the whole thing is a complete mess. to me it sounds like he was fiddleling around without having the slightest idea where to go with these tracks. i like minipops, the metz-thing (is the live version faster? not sure) and the piano piece. 180db is funny and likeable, it sounds silly, playful and completely idiotic. a good joke, not a good track. papat4 starts off great but destroys itself on the way. syro has its short funky moments, but the rest is so random and messy. i really hope this album was the last part of this anal/tussy phase. i love the guy, but... 4/10




    yes, random. i don't get your point


    It just couldn't be further from random. It's the total opposite of random.


    heard it three times now and it doesn't work for me. not at all. i think the whole thing is a complete mess. to me it sounds like he was fiddleling around without having the slightest idea where to go with these tracks. i like minipops, the metz-thing (is the live version faster? not sure) and the piano piece. 180db is funny and likeable, it sounds silly, playful and completely idiotic. a good joke, not a good track. papat4 starts off great but destroys itself on the way. syro has its short funky moments, but the rest is so random and messy. i really hope this album was the last part of this anal/tussy phase. i love the guy, but... 4/10



  9. Take out all of the piano and short bits from drukqs and replace them with these and blow your minds.


    oh and btw, anything that feels remotely close to being worthy of comparison to drukqs is a masterpiece by default.

  10. Thinking back to some of the reviews from listening parties, I don't know wtf they were listening to. I don't hear this as a tuss album, it's not some kind of dancefloor banger as suggested by some and it's not funk. It's classic fucking Aphex at his best. You'll be noticing shit you hadn't heard before in these tracks a year from now.

  11. The CW release made him realize we really do want to hear his stuff, so he's prompted to release even more after Syro.

    It still could have prompted Syro. I mean he says 6 months ago but when people say that it usually really means less than that. He rounded up.


    Those of you who contributed to the Caustic Window LP thing should be really proud of yourselves right now. It seems from the recent interviews that it's probably the biggest thing that pushed this release.


    RDJ said in a recent interview that he handed the album over to Warp six months ago, that would be around February/March. So, no.


    Really? well then you're all still Cunts. Nevermind.


    Although the kickstarter was almost 6 months ago so still possibly valid.

  13. Those of you who contributed to the Caustic Window LP thing should be really proud of yourselves right now. It seems from the recent interviews that it's probably the biggest thing that pushed this release. Also the inclusion of these long time fan favourite tracks is probably his way of giving back and showing appreciation. I don't think we would have gotten these tracks otherwise.
    Seriously well done and thanks.

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