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A Reggae Lee Bowyer

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Posts posted by A Reggae Lee Bowyer

  1. The description of "180dB_" in both FACT and The Quietus track-by-track reviews makes me think it might be the Snowbombing track. It is around the right BPM too.


    @6.57 here for those who aren't familiar:






    05 ’180db_’


    Bit of a swagger here: this one’s got the confidence to roll with nothing more than the main riff, which is fuzzy and buzzy, and four-to-the-floor kick drum for large sections. It’s the first blatant dancefloor track of the record – bit of a shame it’s ironically the shortest one too, as it feels like it could quite happily just jam on for an age, especially after the straight beat turns into a break not a million miles from the Baby Ford ‘Helston Flora Remix’.



    The Quietus:


    The bpms creep up again for '180db_', which starts out as clattering techno with warped hoover noises, before a breakbeat is dropped and it turns into a slab of gnarly, crusty techno that sounds like something from a Spiral Tribe DJ set from a 90s free party rave-up.


    Great call. I think you're right.



    I don't want to be the first to say I'm a BIT disappointed.

    This comment will haunt you forever.

    I'm not too afraid this is gonna happen (and what's to be afraid of; if I'm wrong, it means I'll love the track, which can't be a bad thing).

    I've never really loved the live version either so I've had enough time to let it sink in. It's not bad, but I have to say, I was a bit bored.

    The live version even sounded a bit more energetic. I've had the same 'problem' with a lower quality version of Growl's Garden (the track) by Clark.

    It sounded great and rough in poor quality, and too clean on the album. Perhaps it's something like that.


    Maybe I'm wrong, and in any case it's not a bad track of course. Any other artist could consider himself lucky to have made it.

    And I'm not a bit less excited about the album coming, and I'm 100% sure it'll be great.


    I understand what you mean but I can guarantee that you change your mind within a week or two. Once your ears adjust and you forget the live recording.

  3. Everybody's gotta love all RDJ stuff? Umh, no. I have hopes for Syro, I really wish it gives me the past "Ventolin" or "Come to daddy you've got so many machines, richard" vibes back - but I highly doubt. Will buy of course.



  4. This album is not going to leak so far ahead of release date but when it does come it is going to blow your fucking head out of your ring piece. I know this because it is obvious. Have patience and be content in the knowledge that next month will change your life forever.



    The green stripe in my avatar is already close enough to chartreuse that I don't think I need change it. I quite pleased about this since that abomination represents the extent of my editing skills.

    m8 what? It's gorgeous.

    I am available for album cover design.


    Btw are we allowed to laugh at Liverpool in this thread?

  6. LOL there's quite a few people on the kanye board who clearly don't understand RDJ's (or even, any english person's) humour.

    There's quite a few people there who should fucking kill themselves tonight.




    it amazes me that some people are annoyed these live tracks are on there because they have already heard them, even if the tracks havent changed much they are still going sound so much better in proper quality and all of them are as lush as fuck!


    I'm not annoyed that these tracks are on the new release. I just don't want them to be the best tracks on it seeing as I've listened to them forever & thus will lack any major surprise. I wanted 100% surprise for purely selfish reasons. I would agree that the mixes are probably different to some degree & will undoubtedly sound a million times better. I'm hoping Joyrex's foreshadowing implies he's heard Syro somehow & the tracks we haven't heard are beyond the tracks already discussed. But, seeing as Rich has played those tracks in the past to an audience, I would venture to think those are the ones he feels are "best" & what is on the album may be less than.


    In any case, we have 2 more albums to look forward to after Syro. :whistling:


    It's amazing this stuff is 6-7 years old, but is groundbreaking and innovative as ever. You really have to admire Richard's dedication to his craft.



    Well, not all are that old. He said that there are several new compositions, which I would take that to mean in the past few years.

    And I totally admire his ears, he wouldn't be one of my favorites if not. Guy can put toons together (everybody has probably seen vid below, but Rich is a monster composer when you hear his shit in another light). As for craft, he's got that Axl Rose Chinese Democracy thing without being Axl Rose's Chinese Democracy.




    Thank you for this.

  8. The green stripe in my avatar is already close enough to chartreuse that I don't think I need change it. I quite pleased about this since that abomination represents the extent of my editing skills.

  9. I think I'm not alone when I say that I've been binge eating Aphex discography ever since the release date and something really stands out for me after the passage of time. His music gets increasingly more pensive and melancholy as the years go by. I was a bit shocked by how sad the Tuss sounds to me in many places. Even Shiz-Ko-E, which was the best chance at something silly, gets struck through the heart with that minor key motif at 1:20. I feel convinced that this album is going to be emotional devastation. Despite the day-glo rave aesthetic and the Autechrian track titles, it's going to be a heart-on-the-sleeve affair. I predict tears.

    I approve of this post.


    why the fuck is he releasing over WARP : /

    worst post in this thread so far


    I am going to try this response at my next social gathering. When somebody says something I don't agree with, I can just say "that is the worst thing anyone has said all evening". We can all give a look of disgust and that fool can feel like shit for the rest of the night then I can give myself a pat on the back.





    could this be produk 29?



    This is the ATP/Minehead track



    My question regarding this and metz tracks..


    how the HELL does rdj get such liquid, plasticy, smooth, yet still cutting, agressive and super dynamic sounds? it's like everything's floating in a pool of perfect reverb/delay, yet it's it not cuz it's perfectly sharp and defined.. it's like fucking 10 dimensional. windowlicker and flim was the same way, but this ATP and Metz and his other newer stuff is like even more high resolution sounding.. ive heard this similar effect on his rdj album.. ive also heard this type of quality/richness in a number of commercial releases, but not to the affect of how aphex pulls it off.. anyway, i always wondered how he gets those bubbly tones.. is that something to do with it? do you guys think it's more in the production/production tools/programming, or more in the mixing/gear ? or both? like half half??


    I'm sure that having amazing gear contributes significantly. That and half a lifetime of experience.



    Eh, I hate to vomit this stale old nugget but...it's not the gear.


    You can write great tracks on any gear but you can not reach the highest standard of production on any gear. If I sat in his studio, my tracks would probably still sound very amature but given the time and dedication to master that kind of quality gear as he clearly has..


    Or to put it another way. As masterful as he is, his tracks would not sound half as nice if he were using my studio.



    could this be produk 29?



    This is the ATP/Minehead track



    My question regarding this and metz tracks..


    how the HELL does rdj get such liquid, plasticy, smooth, yet still cutting, agressive and super dynamic sounds? it's like everything's floating in a pool of perfect reverb/delay, yet it's it not cuz it's perfectly sharp and defined.. it's like fucking 10 dimensional. windowlicker and flim was the same way, but this ATP and Metz and his other newer stuff is like even more high resolution sounding.. ive heard this similar effect on his rdj album.. ive also heard this type of quality/richness in a number of commercial releases, but not to the affect of how aphex pulls it off.. anyway, i always wondered how he gets those bubbly tones.. is that something to do with it? do you guys think it's more in the production/production tools/programming, or more in the mixing/gear ? or both? like half half??


    I'm sure that having amazing gear contributes significantly. That and half a lifetime of experience.

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