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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by spratters

  1. I persevered with Orange is the New black for 3 seasons and onto the fourth even though I never really thought it was brilliant, but something kept me watching. Now onto season 4 I think it's mach better than previous seasons. Only a few episodes from the end but it makes me want to watch from S1 again just to see if I view it in a more positive light second time around.

  2. There's the sequel, 10 Cloverfield Lane. I haven't seen it and it was mostly bad reviews from on here but I remember a few people enjoying it. Not sure of many others, I'm far from a film buff but 38 Days Later maybe? There's also two sequels for that I think. I really enjoyed the first one.


    Can't think of any others but I'm sure there's loads more.

  3. Got the results for the last 2 modules to complete my degree and pretty happy with it. Because of that I'm getting a pay rise this month. We have a pay review of up to 5% increase in yearly pay but my pay increase due to the degree was going to be much more than 5% so I'm getting that. Turns out, I'm actually getting both the chunk, and full 5%. Also, got employee of the month, £50 Amazon voucher and £20 starbucks. I don't drink coffee but I'm partial to a bun, so I guess I can pop in to one every now and then.


    I can now afford to move into a place on my own without being too skint every month.



    wow, what an odd reaction to The Trial… Did you like it at least? I avoided Kafka for years after the ubiquitous high school experience of having The Metamorphosis utterly ruined with vapid classroom overanalysis. When I finally gave him another shot I fell in love, & I'd definitely rank the Trial among his better long-form works.


    I just reread Joyce's Portrait of the Artist & now I want to run away from home to write poetry & be a dick to people by only speaking in Latin.


    I must say I did enjoy it. Not sure it'd be high on my list to read again straight away but maybe in years to come. What else would you recommend, I'd like to read another of his and compare.


    The Castle is likewise excellent. Also hard to go wrong with pretty much any collection of his short stories you run across. Come to think of it, Kafka's probably an author whose individual pieces really benefit the fuller your familiarity with his other work.


    I am now reading something called Modern Dogma & the Rhetoric of Consent wherein dude keeps denying the incompatibility of… uh… reasonable and unreasonable reasoning… So far has done nothing but scapegoat and nitpick Bertrand Russell for no especially compelling reason.




    Spratters, a collection of his short stories is far more enjoyable imo.


    I've got a soft spot for The Burrow.



    Cool cool, had a look for The Castle and found the collection for £1.99. I shall purchase.

  5. wow, what an odd reaction to The Trial… Did you like it at least? I avoided Kafka for years after the ubiquitous high school experience of having The Metamorphosis utterly ruined with vapid classroom overanalysis. When I finally gave him another shot I fell in love, & I'd definitely rank the Trial among his better long-form works.


    I just reread Joyce's Portrait of the Artist & now I want to run away from home to write poetry & be a dick to people by only speaking in Latin.


    I must say I did enjoy it. Not sure it'd be high on my list to read again straight away but maybe in years to come. What else would you recommend, I'd like to read another of his and compare.

  6. Finished Kafka's "The Trial" the other day. Quite a strange book where you find that some of the time it just waffles on about something insignificant for no real reason. Almost like he's got a word limit to get to. Maybe that was always his style?


    I may read him again if anyone has any recommendations? I'm curious. Gonna get onto the next Patterson WMC (6) next.

  7. watched Bloodline.was great for until about Ep.7. it becomes a bit too much and hard to believe at the end.


    sweaty show


    I quite enjoyed the first season. The second one is on UK Netflix in about a month I think. I could see it going one of two ways, complete failure or on a even keel. I don't think it'll ever be an amazing program but I'm willing to stick with it.

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