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Posts posted by rixxx


    I would have bullied at least 40% of this forum in school.


    o, hey mom, lets talk about tape-gate again






    hahaha yeh man, bring it.


    Seriously though, I am worried that my social standing (IE cool) has dramatically dropped since being involved with electronic music.



    Also, bullying is important, helps you do better.

  2. 'painfully' is a good choice of words, concurred


    did you get to the 2nd season of Veep yet? I think it's stronger than the 1st, the settings and scenarios get a little more sophisticated and varied. I'm crossing my fingers at some point they'll do a crossover episode, or at the very least Malcom will come to the US for an episode.



    I'm not sure why but i didn't love the 4th season of Thick of It. I just couldn't get over the fact that 'the fucker' from the previous season finale just disappeared.


    Yeah Im on the second season now, you're right much more to the plots, really pulls you in. Yeah I would be fairly cool to do a cross over, I think they want to do a coalition one (basically the new government) so they might do something there. Yeah season 4 seemed a little tired, shame Malcolm wont be in it any more but all good things like him burn out quickly I think.



    I love the film too, but it loses steam a bit at the end. One thing I've never understood is the whole insinuation/reveal of Malcolm being gay at the end...was that connected to the TV show in some way? (there is a tv show, right...?)


    The Thick of It and it is far superior to the film. I hated Gandolfini.


    have you seen Veep yet? IT's not as good as either one but it's still pretty decent.




    I've just been watching Veep, Im glad Armando Iannucci did a 'proper' American version rather than trying to fit an British programme to an American audience (If that sort of makes sense...like the American version of inbetweeners etc) I do really like it, doesn't make me laugh as hard as in the loop or the thick of it but still very good.



    I saw side effects yesterday it was really good, highly recommended. Really dark with twists etc. Rooney Mara is painfully hot.

  4. Yeah Im currently watching x files, Im on season 7 (I watch about three or four episodes daily so Im zooming though the seasons)


    I really want them to have sex, it's almost more important than my own love life.



    See, I become obsessive with tv programmes, its not really healthy, but, fuck it.

  5. Murve, have you tried eating yogurt/ probiotic stuff like kombucha? This settled my stomach after a nasty bit of food poisoning. Don't know if it's applicable. You could also try eating a simple diet of bananas, rice, applesauce, and tea (good easily digestible stuff).



    Bananas are really good too as they contain prebiotics, so they feed the good bacteria in the gut.



    Honey is good too.



    Have banana yogurt and honey for breakfast for a couple of days and you'll have a happy tummy.

  6. Yeah I have similar results...

    Your Aspie score: 120 of 200
    Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 91 of 200
    You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits




    some of the questions seem to be linked to my dyslexia which was interesting... I'm not completely sure what these results mean but that test seemed to have a lot more involved questions
  7. I do understand all of those points noted on that wiki page, however I'm basing my opinion on the questions:



    'Do you have an interest in science and nature?'


    'do you think about aerodynamics when you are on a plane?'


    etc etc


    so basically, women cant think about all those things without being classed as autistic? A good friend of mine has done some talks about this sort of stuff and she runs classes for girls to get involved in science and music (production not just singing) because the industry is lacking women. We are told via our culture that little girls love pink and want to look after little babies and boys build things and play games that involve strategy etc.


    what if we didnt enforce these?

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