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Posts posted by rstark


    A live stream of rich sitting on his couch playing donkey kong country


    FACT's Against The Clock episode with Rich would be great, would love to see Richie pressured with time to make a track. 

    Imagine another GX1 Solo recorded ad hoc, oh my days


    that would be awesome, although he'd probably slow down the clock to give himself more time. cheater.


    That being said, i still don't consider this to be a proper release, but more unfinished tracks. Reminds me of the syrobonkers interview tracks because they are not as layered as say Syro.

    I just wanna point out that these tracks are published, and are most likely as done and fleshed out as they will ever be, so they are "finished". Even though they are not A-list Aphex Twin Album tracks, there are lots of releases like this in his discography, with some of the best gems, and these may be tracks he really likes.

    TLDR just try to appreciate them for what they are. I know your post was positive, this aint a critisim.


    Yea I'm seeing this as b-sides. Great tracks, things he wanted to share, but seems more like ideas that are scratched off from making it onto any planned releases. Still great stuff none the less. Loving a1, a3, b1, b3 and b6

  3. new track is pretty awesome but i was really hoping for some future beats that would blow all these kids minds that are crazing over the new flume album. maybe there will be a track like that, but doubt it if it was actually all made on a cheetah. does this sound like only the cheetah was used? i don't actually know

  4. It's not like I'm asking him to prove his kids. I'm just saying not everything you hear about aphex is true. the same goes for all kinds of other artists that make up stories about themselves to add meaning to the music. damn no need to be so rash and rude. isn't the point of this forum to discuss aphex twin?

  5. well think about it. do you think he's really a twin just because he said it? I always thought twin kind of meant that there's an aphex in all of us. hence putting his face on people. there's an rstark in all of us. we're all connected. that kind of deal. maybe too new agey for this bunch. Like the grateful dead phrase "steal your face". when you listen to aphex music you become his twin. uncontrollably influenced to some degree, whether you want to be or not.


    not that my interpretation is that important, just saying that just because richard says something doesn't mean it's 100% true. And that it's pointless to think syro doesn't have a meaning. because if you assume it doesn't, then it will never mean anything, taking away any meaning that might have been there that you could be missing out on. and as a huge aphex twin fan you wouldn't want that, right? so you COULD remain skeptical and have a balance of thoughts, considering both that it does and does not have a meaning, as to not miss out if one were actually there.

  6. i'm not stating anything as fact, just throwing out some ideas. I don't know how you can say Drukq's doesn't mean drug use, when I bet a majority of intelligence beings would clearly say it looks like "drug use". Just because aphex says so? he's a pretty big troll. not a very reliable source of information. probably isn't a twin.


    Even if it didn't mean anything, the average listener is not going to research what aphex said about the title and they're just going to assume he's referring to drugs in some way

  7. u really believe that tho? just some word they throw around for fun or what? it's gotta mean something. maybe we're the kids he's referring to. does he even actually have kids? is this confirmed?

  8. My friend and I were talking about the meaning of Syro earlier. I always thought you're supposed to put a P in front like Psy. And then he was saying Ro was like the end of Hero. So it would be like.. Psy Hero. Psyche. Psychedelics. Idk

  9. I'm digging this a lot but I feel like it needs more tracks or something. my favorite parts are too short :(


    those parts being 3:18 on mutant standard when those dreamy synths kick in <3 omg i gasmed during that part


    or the main melody of animals, i dug it more in the album teaser. not to say i don't like the song as it is, but i want different versions


    and those guitar parts in i bite through it <3 it'd be dope to have a whole song with just that instrument

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