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Posts posted by Echolalia

  1. Fucking squirrels and chipmunks keep getting into the garden and pulling vegetables off the plant. They don't even eat the vegetables, they just in there to fuck things up. Going to have build a serious fence and roof thing this weekend.


    re: Kerouc "On the road". when i was living abroad, I had a discussion with a friend that i met there - another Canadian. He said he didn't rate it that highly cause he'd already traveled the world by then - much more than Kerouac had done by his age. Which to me is missing the whole point of the book. It's not about the locale - it's the experiences and relationships that you build in life.


    And yeah, that kind of hedonism is good fun, for a while, but after some time, you just get to be like that 40 year old guy gurning his teeth off in a grim club. I'm currently listening to Frank Ocean's "blonde" record a lot - and I feel like you can't get that album unless you lived some in the party scene, and experienced the resultant emptiness at the end of it.


    Nowt empty here fella. Still having good times! Don't get old. Adulthood is when childhood turns into a corpse. 

  2. Constantly texting your bird?! Weird behaviour. But WATMMers are a non-confrontational passive bunch so perhaps be kind and let it play on your mind then if something does happen get Kreutzer Sonata on your friend. 




    Universal experiences and all that, you are not alone. 




    I think one of my best friends has the hots for my girlfriend. Whenever we hang out, he never really asks me anything - but he's asking her questions nonstop and goes out of his way to interrupt me to so he can ask her more questions. He has actually done that for quite a while.

    But then... My girlfriend's studio is in a building which he suddenly wanted to move into as well. There are tons of free rooms but he decided to move into the one which is right across from hers and now they're constantly texting.


    I'm probably just overthinking things, but...



  3. sicario 2 soldado 


    a movie made from spare parts. the visual aesthetic of no country for old men diluted a thousand times over and combined with any operator movie from the mid 2000s. ford f-150 classics, floodlights, low bass tones of dread while men load guns, everything shot in blue twilight so the movie must take place either in one night or over a month. scenes where everything is so dark and the white point is so bright that the contrast gives you a migraine. dialogue like "we're going to start a war. with who? with everyone" said in a meeting by a supposed secretary of state. people see movies like this and think that this is how the world operates. an unintentionally hilarious scene near the end where a character has been shot in the head, is driving a truck down a desert highway, bleeding out, throws a grenade into a lone car full of random bad guys which then explodes all while very serious and somber music plays on the soundtrack. the final line of dialogue is "so i heard you want to be a sicario day of soldado™?". 


    I looked up a bus  once, and there was an advert for Sicario 2. I had to double take as possibly the most pointless sequel ever made. The first film was never meant to be carried on, it was a snapshot of Cuidad Juarez and trafficking. 


    I did see it though, did you notice all the vending machines were empty during one scene? The director implying you fat bastards or what? Josh Brolin walks around like a marvel super villain in this. 

  4. There's a Wrath James White short story like that. Athiest hears about a whore that makes you see God when you fuck her. Rocks up to the place where she is, in Mexico, and finds out she's a catatonic and ancient near-corpse with light coming out of her vagoo. When he does the deed he basically astrally projects to the outside of creation and sees that the whole Universe is God. It's just a gigantic Lovecraftian being mindlessly making sure no amount of matter is wasted. Endlessly sending it through convoluted cycles to keep existence going. It doesn't care if that's sentient life like us or an asteroid belt. We're nothing to it. :^)


    Beautiful! Just beautiful. 

  5. Was in a Fuller's pub earlier, had a bottle of Golden Pride at 8.5% which puts it in the category of a good Belgian triple beer. Well, took me ages to drink as it was so strong. I asked the landlord if he ever got it on tap, he said that he did but only once, and it gave his customers brain damage. Too strong for midweek pints. Strong flavour and reminded me of a nut brown. 

  6. Ozon's latest Body Double.


    Dead Ringers with The Neon Demon with a lead who looks like a bloke out of Westlife. Was like a glass fronted flat in Angel to allow us to see the modern torments of a troubled person. Everyone in this film sneers like a cannibal who has not eaten for months and is looking at human flesh.




    Also first time at a Curzon, is it an indie or not? It feels like a winebar with a cinema inside.

  7. Just put some moustache bars on my Trek 520. Looks alright though didn't have any flat bar brake levers so had to use drop bars horizontally, whilst not the best, certainly up to the job. If you can find an old Trek 520 touring bike second hand, I'd recommend them to anyone. Old school steel frame with touring spec and built for strength without the Thorn or Surly price tag. 

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