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I'm new to the forum and wanted to share some recent music I've been making, and hopefully get some opinions about the style/genre.  I'm not very active on social media (barely even on soundcloud), nor is there a network of musicians I'm friends with.  In fact, I haven't shared most of my music with anyone really, hence the lack of confidence to describe it.   I'd say there are influences of Warp artists, Vangelis, Ulrich Schnauss, some Chemical Bros, Julianna Barwick, and the 80's.

If you wouldn't mind taking a listen, this is a private share to a SC playlist, as I'm not ready to make it public (well, aside from this public).   WATMM Playlist 

Thanks for listening and chatting,



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I don't have time to really listen carefully or give detailed feedback before company shows up, but I jsut listened to a bit of each track and I am definitely liking what I hear.


I'm not a big fan of genres or social media, so personal;ly I'd say avoid both as much as you can!  Not good advice if you want people to actually listen to your stuff, but good advice if you want to make stuff that's interesting, at least in my opinion.

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Hey, nice to meet ya. Just checked out some of your tracks on bc.  I like your use of samples!

I'm slowly exploring different avenues to start sharing my music - took me long enough to start here!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm also new to the forum. the plucked bassline and that marimba sounding synth melody on Swift Recovery reminds quite a bit of Plaid, especially their newer stuff like Scintilli or the Tekkonkinkreet OST, the breaks add a Big Beat flavor to the song. Crystal Figurines has a very chill, spacious atmosphere with synths that sound New Agey, like something taken out of Manual's The North Shore. Wind Premonition follows the Ambient sounds of the previous tracks, slow breakbeat, bright synths and a big atmosphere. Mutated Caves has a very nice acid-esque bassline and a rich, textural beat mixed with the previous elements heard, the track wouldn't sound out of place on a Milieu, Ten And Tracer or others IDM artists that lean to a more Ambient sound. I especially love the looped sound, is it a kids choir? Playground Init is very playful with the pizzicato melody line and kid samples. Electric Ladder is probably my favorite, love the escalating sounds and melodies of the synths, kind of reminds of the ambient works of The Detroit Escalator Company. Brake Logic would work great as a Cloud Rap instrumental thanks to the Trap sounding drum kit and pattern. 7 am Firestarter has an incredibly tasty bassline, perhaps the more "Techno" sounding of your tracks and Floating Under Stars is just straight Ambient.

In my opinion, most the songs are heavily Ambient inspired, mixed with rhythmic elements like breakbeats or classic Techno drum patterns with their focus on atmospheric sounds and synths, bright textures and sustained notes. The songs in itself are very enjoyable, especially on the melodic section, perhaps the structure of the songs can become very samey after a while, but that's just a detail.

I hope my opinion gave you something of value.

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Great hearing this type of analysis - super helpful.  I've been struggling to describe or compare my music.

--The vocal samples in Mutated Caves and Playground Init were made by the Playbox synth in Kontakt 7.

--Regarding the 'Samey' aspect, I agree and am trying to diversify my techniques.  It becomes very formulaic and comforrtable after a while.



Edited by Talitronic
Answered a couple of Q's
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23 hours ago, Talitronic said:

Great hearing this type of analysis - super helpful.  I've been struggling to describe or compare my music.

--The vocal samples in Mutated Caves and Playground Init were made by the Playbox synth in Kontakt 7.

--Regarding the 'Samey' aspect, I agree and am trying to diversify my techniques.  It becomes very formulaic and comforrtable after a while.



No problem. I would love to see you doing more "dancefloor focused" or rhythm heavy songs, I think it would make a great contrast to the songs you did.

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I've started collaborating with a producer in Istanbul - sending stems and tracks back and forth.  His style is very different (house, techno), but asked me to incorporate some of my atmospheres and arps.  we'll see where that goes...

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Was listening to "pedaling flowers" and "kneel and board" (and a few other bits on the playlist) - I'd be curious to hear them with the beats stripped out almost completely, like just as an experiment, could be interesting? So basically the opposite of what neglectedlove said ? (not to be deliberately confusing I promise)

Actually the kind of "small" sounding, off-beat kinda beats in "mutated caves", I think leaves more space for the atmosphere of the other sounds to sink in, where on other tracks, the reverby louder breaks kinda overshadows the other sounds ... but I might be missing what you're going for, sorry if that's the case

Same with "playground init" - it's got a nice vibe going but the regularity and reverb of the snare distracts from the strange melancholy flutey and squishy sounds that come in

Look forward to hearing more stuff!

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Thanks for this feedback!   Effects and mixing aren’t my strong suit. Adding reverb (Raum) or delay (Replika) seems to be my goto ‘fix’ for dry sounding keys or beats. I have another couple of albums coming and will post here or in the New Release forum. I’ll take another listen to the tracks you mentioned with another ear. 

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