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Retep Folo and Dorothy Moskowitz – The Afterlife EP

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Feast your eyes & ears on a new EP by legendary vocalist, musician & songwriter Dorothy Moskowitz (United States Of America / Country Joe / United States Of Alchemy) & Swedish artist / musician Retep Folo a.k.a. Peter Olof Fransson (The Owl Report / Reportage / Exhadley).

Fans of late 1960s & early 1970s psychedelia, experimental rock & eco-conceptual electronics take note - this is the real deal. Steeped in vintage instrumentation that alternates between avant-garde chorales, mystical mantras, slabs of fuzz guitar, whimsical keyboards, jagged synths & menacing percussion, Dorothy & Peter have produced a mesmerising collection on this 4 track EP (with a 14 track album 'The Afterlife' soon to follow).

Repeat listens reveal a wealth of layered sounds, moods & messages within a finely crafted, heartfelt paene to nature's cycles & our fragile planet. Traversing aural landscapes akin to Mort Garson, Bruce Haack, Alessandro Alessandroni, Alain Goraguer, David Axelrod, Franco Battiato, Maria Monti, Brigitte Fontaine & Areski, early Broadcast & Portishead, this inspired collaboration invites you on a fantastic journey into the afterlife.


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