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Guest Babar

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Guest Zing Zing Zingbah
When you post on a literatur forum, nobody knows Afx (and when you make intelectuals listen to it, they find it barbarian, terrifying etc blalbla). What a pity not to like this kind of stuff, it could be a good and energizing trip


you're fucking weird dude. im giving you 5 stars.

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Guest Dr. Elemeno von Hat X: PhD
Does anybody notice than a tuss(or erection whatever you call it) is the most honest physicall reaction ?


Remember this : "Vicent Van Gogh was the original Super Digital", found on http://www.ricedoutyugo.com/view.php?post=1180


then, Lady Chatterley's Lover; a novel by D.H. Lawrence, which takes place in Wragby, lincolnshire, lincolnshire being (i guess) in the derbyshire (or not so far .(& derbyshire=rushup edge)


And so what?


Lawrence has been the first to compare a brush to a dick, and so was used to do Renoir when he was painting nude models (mmmmmmhhh so yummy).

Definitely, there are very close relations between RDJ and paintings, just loook at his covers, or at all this shit around karen tregasken, his pseudo-wife-painter.






ear the way richard plays with sounds, especially mouth sounds, like the long aapppppppppphhhhhhhhhxxxxxxxxxxssss in AFXv237, and many many other examples in others tracks. He do have a certain feeling of phonemes, like his sister (i read in an interview "she was a fucking linguist''), or like Joyce (they have both irish origins) : remember the scene in which MR. Bloom does bubble sounds with his mouth during a burial : RDJ did too during an interview.


I would'nt be so astonished if his sister wasn't a "fucking linguist" just because he's so demure about his private life. I think he lied about her following the example of the Tuss.


nope ?


Vincent Willem van Gogh was born in Groot-Zundert, a village close to Breda in the Province of North Brabant in the southern Netherland. Vincent was the son of Anna Cornelia Carbentus and Theodorus van Gogh, a minister of the Dutch Reformed Church. He was given the same name as his grandfather—and a first brother stillborn exactly one year before.
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Vincent Willem van Gogh was born in Groot-Zundert, a village close to Breda in the Province of North Brabant in the southern Netherland. Vincent was the son of Anna Cornelia Carbentus and Theodorus van Gogh, a minister of the Dutch Reformed Church. He was given the same name as his grandfather—and a first brother stillborn exactly one year before.


ha! thats nutz...

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