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About sneaksta303

  • Birthday May 26

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  1. Recently downloaded all 10 seasons... Synchronicity... Anyhow plum, you're onto something with the Mark R thang.
  2. Bloodborne and a LITTLE bit of dragons dogma. Before that i was still playing dark souls 1 & 2 for like the 2 years I haven't been on here. Miss yall.
  3. 13 endings if memory serves. Zero mom kills because in end cutscene you see that he was merely writing a story about him killing mom, in reality she's just about to walk through the door. I recommend a USB XBox 360 controller. Improved my gameplay and skill tenfold. i prefer kb only but that's just me. I use controllers on pc's too just not that game.
  4. Borderlands 2 is a lot more enjoyable imo. I'd give it a shot.
  5. what sl are you? You should be able to beat S&O right now, just try to summon a helper mayhap.
  6. I wonder what the negative consequences of living in an alternate timeline where this actually happened would be, if it were possible to live in, or at least visit this world.
  7. I'm torn about season 2. I like the black lodge and earle stuff, but HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE THE JAMES SUBPLOT OMFG BARFFFFFFF The film is bad ass. The score is as well. SHE'S MY MOTHER'S SISTER'S GIRL
  8. Is it working for you? A few of my friends who got in can't get any cities to load and when they do load nothing works. I wish I got into this beta. I got in the first one and it was great fun. I can't wait for the multiplayer. Man, I dunno what the deal is. I can build a city for about 5 min, then my PC restarts for no apparent reason. after 5 tries I said fuck it. Any idea why this could be happening? overheating cpu/gpu maybe ? Is it working for you? A few of my friends who got in can't get any cities to load and when they do load nothing works. I wish I got into this beta. I got in the first one and it was great fun. I can't wait for the multiplayer. Man, I dunno what the deal is. I can build a city for about 5 min, then my PC restarts for no apparent reason. after 5 tries I said fuck it. Any idea why this could be happening? What are your system specs? Your PSU might not be enough or is dying. Run some GPU benchmarks like http://www.ozone3d.net/benchmarks/fur/ and see if it causes your PC to restart as well. It should also tell your the temps of your GPU. Anything over 80C might cause a restart ok apparently my D: drive has some bad sectors on it, which was causing the error. I wish I would have figured that out before the beta ended haha.
  9. Is it working for you? A few of my friends who got in can't get any cities to load and when they do load nothing works. I wish I got into this beta. I got in the first one and it was great fun. I can't wait for the multiplayer. Man, I dunno what the deal is. I can build a city for about 5 min, then my PC restarts for no apparent reason. after 5 tries I said fuck it. Any idea why this could be happening?
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