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In Our Nature - Jose Gonzalez


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Just wondering if anyone else has picked this up and what they think of it?


IMO Gonzalez has gone from strength to strength. There's a great confidence in his song writing here, and his guitar playing continues to be second to none. I honestly can't think of a bad track on here (my highlight has to be the last track, Cycling Trivialities).


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really liked the first album but then he goes and says in interviews that hes gonna chrun out another album of the same stuff (maybe he said 3 total i forget) then not release anything under his name again in this style. so that kinda put me off his new album. so i haven't heard it.

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Guest MortstoX

I was hoping he could make a just as good second record, and he did. It's amazing. Cycling trivialities is also my fav track. I was expecting the worst when I heard about the Teardrop-cover, but it's just brilliant. Try to get "The Australian Tour EP" as well.

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