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peel sessions reuploaded

Guest KarakasaMusic

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i reuploaded the relevant tracks from the peel sessions and deleted the old zips. two of the tracks "blue calx" and "radiator (fast mix)" have both been released, they were released as broadcasted, minus the wicked tape distortions (which through timing off).


i still havent heard 1992 peel session broadcast of the song "T Q T" (no doubt one of the mescaline unlimited remixes), to compare it to the released versions (on Classics), so if you have the broadcast version hook me up.


released tracks that i uploaded are edited, not simply truncated, bits have been removed, and in the case of Pancake Lizard, an additional ending is present.

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i reuploaded the relevant tracks from the peel sessions and deleted the old zips. two of the tracks "blue calx" and "radiator (fast mix)" have both been released, they were released as broadcasted, minus the wicked tape distortions (which through timing off).


i still havent heard 1992 peel session broadcast of the song "T Q T" (no doubt one of the mescaline unlimited remixes), to compare it to the released versions (on Classics), so if you have the broadcast version hook me up.


released tracks that i uploaded are edited, not simply truncated, bits have been removed, and in the case of Pancake Lizard, an additional ending is present.



Thanks very much! I had seen the T Q T peel session on soulseek at one point, but was never able to get downloaded... :cry:

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where did you upload them?

you mean these two tracks were broadcasted?


i found the following:

BBC6 Music - Dream Ticket

Aphex Twin - Afx 6 - 1992 (23:46)

Aphex Twin - Blue Calx - BBC Session 1992 (23:50)


it is not the time of the tracks, but the time they went in broadcast.

(BBC6 Music: Dream Ticket 6th december 2006)


the next track is: "Brakes - Hold Me In The River (23:58)",

so track times are:


Aphex Twin - Afx 6 - 1992 (4:00)

Aphex Twin - Blue Calx - BBC Session 1992 (8:00)


you mean these two tracks?

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for info on the aphex peel sessions go here:




relevant tracks from these broadcast are available in the watmm download manager (link is "downloads" at the top of your webpage)

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