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Playing Live During a Record Breaking Snow Storm.


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I am only the second act at that point, so it's still fairly early. Just over 50 people showed up. There's usually over 100 so we lost half because of the crazy weather.


The camera is using night vision so it was much darker then it appears. With the monitor in my face, I have no idea what is going on around me.


Be sure to check out the lone goth raver dancing by himself.



My hair is extra goofy because of the melting snow.

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That's the trick with trying to do as much live as possible using a keyboard and mouse. Sometimes the reverb, effect or glitch (also an effect, I suppose) that you trigger doesn't work or comes off wrong. Programs are buggy, etc.


The people I play for never seem to notice what I consider mistakes.


Hard to tell considering my jackhammering leg, but I was extremely inebriated and had just walked a good 30 minutes through mountains of snow with a desktop PC strapped to my chest.

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