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Dubby hiphop stuff


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Guest Promo

The beginning reminded me a little of Prefuse 73 choppy style. Actually I could seriously see this being the background music for a pop tune. It has a big summer time reggae vibe to it once it all kicks in.


Yeah was quite a pleasant listen but for some reason I kept thinking a proper vocal on top would work. Oddly with the right vocal and video this prolly be like a big hit or something lol.


The bit that appealled to me the most was the sombre Vibertesque piano bit towards the end. Wasn't too keen on that fm synth on top ... sounded a little cheesy imo. Prolly not 100% my style but I certainly wasn't bored listening. Just feel that perhaps something extra deep to round it off on top would be extra appealing and little more variation.

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lol this gets pretty good.


i actually liked the synth promo was talking about. could drown it in chorus i guess.

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happy dubby isn't really my style, but i can appreciate the production quality here (it sounds clean and good).


but then the piano is quite nice!! very nice actually... some heavy, boomy sub under there would be nice....


i agree the synth didn't sit well, but you could mix it better or add more fx to make it work...


the second half of this one is great.


always an interesting listen, beneboi.


cheers and keep it up.

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Guest Ryan

This is the type of music I would buy, though I like the beginning more than the end though.


Are those live drums or samples at the end?

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  • 2 weeks later...

After listening to the stuff in your latest thread I felt compelled to get some more. This is really sweet too. I didn't really like the beginning so much but once the second section kicked in I started to really like it, and the end is AWESOME. SERIOUSLY, MAKE AN ALBUM!

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