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A Delay Problem!


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I'm using Logic Express, and I have this track, it isn't finished yet, but in one part I have a a bunch of bell and hand drum sounds with tempo delay on them. During realtime, they are sequenced to an 8th note to the beat. But somehow, when I listen to the offline mixdown, the delay is changed to triplets! How can I fix this?


The problem starts at 3:12




It isn't actually a problem right now since the track isn't done, but it will be when it is finished! Does someone know why this would be happening?

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Seriously, there are tons of people here who use vst delay plugins, I'm kind of a noob with them, but one of you must know why it would be doing the delay wrong in the mixdown!

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I use FL but sometimes when I'm recording something, I'll accidently record onto a single part as opposed the the whole song, and then any change I made repeats over and over. Is it possibly you accidently recorded yourself messing with the delay effect and whenever you play the song that change repeats? I'm really reaching as I know nothing about Logic.

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I use FL but sometimes when I'm recording something, I'll accidently record onto a single part as opposed the the whole song, and then any change I made repeats over and over. Is it possibly you accidently recorded yourself messing with the delay effect and whenever you play the song that change repeats? I'm really reaching as I know nothing about Logic.


Thanks for saying something at least. But I doubt it could be that, because I'm not recording anything really. In logic I can listen to the whole track in real time as all the channels playing at once, like most programs, and in real time, the delay is right, but when each channel is compressed together with all automation and changes, as a audio file, the delay is wrong. So I can only think that it is a problem with logic's 'bounce' option. I could always just record the output, but then I wouldn't get perfect timing.

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*reply because you seem to want any replies*


maybe it's a 24 bit vst that doesn't convert to 16 bit properly :undecided:

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Guest Drahken

Im not sure on a solution but this is a sweet track, nice and progressive. Cant wait to here the final product!

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Im not sure on a solution but this is a sweet track, nice and progressive. Cant wait to here the final product!


thank you! I've been working on it since february and it sounds like shit to me right now!!!!

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Guest Tamas

Yeah I really like it as well, the variation is nice.


I don't really have any ideas what the delay issue could be, though I've had problems with Ableton rendering things strangely as well. If you record it in the program while it's playing, will the recording have popping in the track if the buffer isn't large enough? Because in Ableton, even if it's popping while recording, they won't be there when the recording is actually played back, and then the issues I encountered when rendering didn't happen.


Either way, if you can't figure it out, you should just record the delayed track live and then mix it down that way. But yeah, good luck getting it working!!

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Guest tht! tne

i have no idea about the delay problem, but i liked this track especially the second half and super-especially the end

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Guest Iain C
Either way, if you can't figure it out, you should just record the delayed track live and then mix it down that way. But yeah, good luck getting it working!!


That should work. Or just try a different delay plugin, I'm generalising horribly but for the most part a delay's a delay's a delay...


Nice tune though, you should try making some stuff that's just pure drone/ambience as those are my favourite bits!

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Either way, if you can't figure it out, you should just record the delayed track live and then mix it down that way. But yeah, good luck getting it working!!


That should work. Or just try a different delay plugin, I'm generalising horribly but for the most part a delay's a delay's a delay...


Nice tune though, you should try making some stuff that's just pure drone/ambience as those are my favourite bits!


I'm doing a split ep with modey of ambience which will surface eventually

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