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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

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I downloaded this in April. I can't remember who was sharing it. ...same file length, but marked "Pusillanimous Edit". Is this possibly not the entire set?


On a similar note what's with the 2001/05/09 Toronto soundboard missing about 20 minutes?

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12
I downloaded this in April. I can't remember who was sharing it. ...same file length, but marked "Pusillanimous Edit". Is this possibly not the entire set?


Sorry, I thought this was new, but after a quick search I've found it mentioned in two threads here :embrassed:


I don't think this is the whole liveset, just an excerpt which sounds very similar to the track played in the universal techno video on youtube..

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Guest PusillanimousRex

The Pusillanimous Edit was my own version from the full live "set", which was basically just a single track in the first place. The "edit" part has to do with the fact that the first ten (?) minutes or so of the track had rather irritating narration all over it, which I endeavored to eliminate. There was also a bit near the end of the track where the EQ changed, suddenly and drastically (and not for the better), which I'm sure was unintentional, so I also did my best to correct that, as I was re-EQing and re-mastering the whole thing from the promotional VHS I'd had sitting around for years. I also took one minuscule "creative" liberty with it, just for giggles.


The full liveset was Autechre and Plaid, with additional textures by Underworld. There were also a bunch of guys on bagpipes and military snares at one point. I didn't download this MP3 version, so I don't know what's on it, but the FLAC version I'd uploaded is still available here, if I'm not mistaken.

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The Pusillanimous Edit was my own version from the full live "set", which was basically just a single track in the first place. The "edit" part has to do with the fact that the first ten (?) minutes or so of the track had rather irritating narration all over it, which I endeavored to eliminate. There was also a bit near the end of the track where the EQ changed, suddenly and drastically (and not for the better), which I'm sure was unintentional, so I also did my best to correct that, as I was re-EQing and re-mastering the whole thing from the promotional VHS I'd had sitting around for years.


Hello PusillanimousRex! I've download your cut version of live set and it's incredible!!!

But how long the full Autechre live set? Could you upload THE FULL SET anywhere please? I'm very intersted. Big thanks in advance!

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Guest PusillanimousRex

I've been meaning to master the rest, but the first 3/4 of the recording has nasty static all over it, and I've been at it for some time now, trying to clean it out by hand, doing a bit one day, a bit another day, and so on... Uhh... Partly because I haven't got any decent noise reduction plug-ins (if such a thing really exists - I have yet to find one that I think does the job right), and partly because I know its a tried and true method that doesn't affect overall sound quality.


I'm willing to make it a priority for the next little while, see if I can't get it done sooner rather than later. I'm likely to follow that through with a revision of the edit at one point as well, since it was one of my first mastering jobs (eight years ago now - yikes!), and though I like the overall sound quality, I used excessive limiting and not enough compression, so there's a bit too much "squaring off" for my liking - best keep that to a minimum.


I'll try to see if I can't upload the full set, unedited, in the near future. Of course, minus some of the intro to that same track, which might be by Underworld anyway, what you have now represents the sum total of Ae's contribution to the show.

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I'll try to see if I can't upload the full set, unedited, in the near future. Of course, minus some of the intro to that same track, which might be by Underworld anyway, what you have now represents the sum total of Ae's contribution to the show.



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Guest Super lurker ultra V12
i know you guys don't believe me but on my download site you can find the whole mix without any noise or sound whatsoever.





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