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LSD+Piracetam experiences?


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azatoth: Piracetam is a nootropic (smart drug) and is considered a dietary supplement by many. It is sold legally on the internet and occasionally at those vitamin/mineral stores. You don't need a prescription for it, and I've never heard of anyone being prescribed it. Your friend is ridiculous.


i am well aware what it is and does. and in my country it's not sold without prescription for some reason and my friend managed to talk his doctor to prescribe it for his ADD.

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azatoth: Piracetam is a nootropic (smart drug) and is considered a dietary supplement by many. It is sold legally on the internet and occasionally at those vitamin/mineral stores. You don't need a prescription for it, and I've never heard of anyone being prescribed it. Your friend is ridiculous.


i am well aware what it is and does. and in my country it's not sold without prescription for some reason and my friend managed to talk his doctor to prescribe it for his ADD.

Very interesting and strange. On one side, I think it's absurd that something that innocent would require a prescription in your country. On the other, I think it's great that they're prescribing it for ADD. Sounds a lot more reliable than the shit that gets prescribed over here.

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try some glue instead or hitting your head on a brick wall


Glue has given me hallucinations infinitely more vivid than any lsd hit, its akin to opening the puzzle box (Hellraiser, for anyone born in the 90's). Its just a shame that as an adult its somewhere between crack whore and paedo in social acceptability.


Sniffing glue the day after a lsd trip is the neck plus ultra.

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Guest Hanratty

this is a bizarre thread. Started off interesting. Good thread topic. Interesting moments, mostly from azatoth.


But if you have no interest in the topic maybe you should do something else! watmm is not reaching its potential on this one, big time.

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Guest hahathhat
try flushing both down the bog and doing something constructive

who says you can't do something constructive whilst tripping on lsd? don't be a narrow-minded prick and talk shit about somebody else's interests just because you don't share them.


i dont know the answer to your question, but i looked up piracetam and it sounds sweet, how do i get some?


Me. I said you can't do something constructive. Tell you what, do them both together and show me your work afterwards, and I'll score you accordingly.







i only composed the first 1:27 or so on acid, finished the rest with my pipe over the next few days. also, while i found acid great for cubase, trying to use cubase on mushrooms was an unmitigated disaster.


seriously, you're not going to do your homework tripping, but if you want to draw a picture or write a song.. you can be very productive.

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