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Avoiding Family

Guest Gary C

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On this Merry day, I'm sure there are a number of you who may (reluctantly) come online simply to avoid family members. I'm certainly one of the them.


I've just had my first really good listen to Daydream Nation whilst avoiding my idiot uncle and his Russian bride. It makes me wonder if this sort of avoidance may actually spurn me to do something good today. Either read a book, make a song, etc...


Anyway, I'll keep you updated as my uncle begins to ruin Christmas.

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well i saved some stupidly potent skunks for today so im going to go and sit in my shed and smoke some haze, and read the sheet music to schoenburgs piano suites that ive just got for christmas.

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I wish I could avoid my family too, but I have to follow my parents and get bored at my grandparents' house. This is why I hate Christmas Day.

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I don't even care about presents really. I asked my mum for some gift vouchers for my favourite shops just because she likes to get me something, but honestly I can do without the whole gift-giving thing. I'm just turning into a young Scrooge basically.

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i go round to the folks for a couple of days around christmas, and usually in the morning the family go up to visit the grave of my gran who died on xmas. its really fucking busy, and seeing mourning parents beside graves laying down childrens toys is probably the most depressing thing ill ever see.


but yeah, im on WATMM killing time until the inevitably awkward christmas dinner.


edit: i gots me a 160gb portable hard drive. boom babey!

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No news to report as yet. This uncle usually comes to us once a year when he's either been arrested, gambled all his money away, lost his job, knocked up a foreigner. I'm hoping he'll complete the set and propose to his Russian bride tonight, I'd LOL heartily.

But this Russian bird seems alright. She's a little mad, but I've given her the benefit of the doubt as she's foreign. She's a journalist for some Russian political magazine and, although it might sound a little strong, seems genuinely amazed with the West. She watched the Queen's speech; something I've never even done and talked about how a US Ambassador had suggested she spend time in America.

I have no idea what she's doing with my uncle, who's a genuine liability. But as he hasn't done anything dodgy so far I think she may be a good influence on him.

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My immediate family is in Vancouver, and the rest of my family in Europe, so I can't see any of them.


Personally I think I'd be happy to be with any of them, as most of my friends are out of town visiting their families as well. My friends who's families are in Montreal are with them too, so I can't really see any of my friends which makes me very lonely lol.

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Guest ezkerraldean

with my parents in canada for christmas, they're both pissed (as am i) and it's only 1pm. good times.

stayed with my gran until last night, had to put up with this uncle of mine who's 50 and has never left home. god, he speaks some shit.


ask this russian bride сколько она стоит купить.

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My immediate family is in Vancouver, and the rest of my family in Europe, so I can't see any of them.


Personally I think I'd be happy to be with any of them, as most of my friends are out of town visiting their families as well. My friends who's families are in Montreal are with them too, so I can't really see any of my friends which makes me very lonely lol.


yea, i enjoy christmas, simply because i get to see most of my family, we stopped exchanging gifts when all of the children grew up, and we just do a white elephant thing now.

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Guest ezkerraldean
edit: i gots me a 160gb portable hard drive. boom babey!

my new one's 500gb. i win!



we should have a christmas present thread. i can't be arsed making it though.

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My immediate family is in Vancouver, and the rest of my family in Europe, so I can't see any of them.


Personally I think I'd be happy to be with any of them, as most of my friends are out of town visiting their families as well. My friends who's families are in Montreal are with them too, so I can't really see any of my friends which makes me very lonely lol.


yea, i enjoy christmas, simply because i get to see most of my family, we stopped exchanging gifts when all of the children grew up, and we just do a white elephant thing now.


When I still lived in Vancouver I tried every year to convince them that the gift exchange thing is a bit old... You're quite lucky I think! It's such a bother really, and while my parents know me well enough to have a good idea of something that I would use a lot, I find a lot of gifts people give/receive are completely useless, and just waste resources on something that'll be stored as to not seem rude for wanting to give away/sell a gift. It's always so stressful when I'm looking for things, I'd love to have the time to make things instead of buying gifts, but this year me and my friends organized a secret santa thing (I would've loved to be in the WATMM one but time/money is low these days, hopefully next year!) and it was really stressful looking for something. I ended up getting her a calligraphy set, hopefully she'll use it to think of font ideas/any art really. (she likes to paint and is apart of the editing team on a small magazine)

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well i saved some stupidly potent skunks for today so im going to go and sit in my shed and smoke some haze, and read the sheet music to schoenburgs piano suites that ive just got for christmas.


i find it awesome that you can read musical scores like i read words on paper; i'd really like to be able to do that! i can already do the smoking part today, but reading sheet music would win


i opened my presents already, and later (thankfully) family is coming over to my parents' place; i will be upstairs, smoking a large portion of the night away.

a few tiffs though:


- my parents moved this past summer; i feel like a guest in my own house and can't even drive from here to the grocery store

- my brother is skipping the holiday celebration again, also missed thanksgiving, because he's been drinking a lot and hasn't had a job/has relied on my mom's money. really fucking awkward, he used to be the guy i'd look up to, and now i'm scared shitless of turning into him when i reach his age.


merry christmas?

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this was the first christmas where i felt like a functioning adult human being. kept myself determindly drunk at all times and at points felt i could play the atmosphere like a fiddle to keep things jovial. i think at one point i stopped a full scale incident by pretending that i couldnt eat crackers and cheese properly. its like how you can distract a toddler from a crying fit with some silly noises and shit. its also a wonder what a little light pisstake can do to ease tension.

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I am seriously running out of weed. I hope I can get some tomorrow but I doubt it.


goddamn, same here! i have maybe a half gram, then maybe another half gram or gram of year-old mystery weed. and that's a last resort.

fuck, and having moved out into the country from burbs makes buying weed an increasingly confusing, likely impossible experience. i feel your hurt.


this was the first christmas where i felt like a functioning adult human being. kept myself determindly drunk at all times and at points felt i could play the atmosphere like a fiddle to keep things jovial. i think at one point i stopped a full scale incident by pretending that i couldnt eat crackers and cheese properly. its like how you can distract a toddler from a crying fit with some silly noises and shit. its also a wonder what a little light pisstake can do to ease tension.


i know what you mean; myself and my mother are big diffusers as far as dealing with tense situations, whereas my sister and father tend to be totally oblivious to it. but you have learned well.

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lol adults/parents/uncles/grandparents are so old!


they dont understand how i feel!


Look, we all know you're old, try not to take it so personally, yeah?


Also, try, like, perhaps, you know, like, reading the thread.


If you'd met this uncle you'd want to avoid him too.

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I've just had my first really good listen to Daydream Nation




- my parents moved this past summer; i feel like a guest in my own house and can't even drive from here to the grocery store


i hear ya bro. my family also lives in a weird house that i have never myself lived in. it's fucking weird.



also, i ran out of weed yesterday and im stuck here for like 4 more days


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a true life destroying pothead would have spent the 4 weeks before christmas amassing 15-30 grams of green so that even in a furious fit of christmas stoner rage there would still be a bit left to chong on boxing day.

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