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Maniac Stinson


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You should put some more parts in it. It just kind of rides on the same groove, which has a cool filter thing, but gets quite boring.

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Yeah Braintree, I have to agree with you, I'm already bored of this track, I was in a funny mood when i decided to upload it, not that great.

Thanks F.G but I dont reckon these tracks are good enough to flow together as an album

I've written better stuff recently i just up the stuff thats in between liking and disliking, like this track i wrote called "Death rock kid" its fucking rocking but im hesitant to upload it because of the lack of interest or slowness of people responding.


PS-cheers to the fucker who continually downgrades my threads to 1 stars, love ya

is there a way to check who is rating your tracks out of curiousity?


Will upload an ep tonight of better tracks that no one will listen to tonight, it will have a cover and everything


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Guest Ominous

i always make a point to listen to your clips man. did that ep ever get uploaded? would love to hear it. Do you ever send demos out to techno/house labels?

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