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pub roleplay thread

Guest idrn

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*still waiting with pants around the ankle*


*rolls dice*



Oh, right, your whore spontaneously combusted right outside the bar.


Your chances of getting laid tonight decrease by . . . wait, what's your sign?



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i found a kitty in one of my moving boxes


he was kind of orange lol



*cheers watmm*

i really love you guys

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Guest beatfanatic
*still waiting with pants around the ankle*


*rolls dice*



Oh, right, your whore spontaneously combusted right outside the bar.


Your chances of getting laid tonight decrease by . . . wait, what's your sign?




you better not come too close to me because i will pretty much fuck anything thats moving


*follows a random patron to the washroom*



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Guest beatfanatic
i found a kitty in one of my moving boxes


he was kind of orange lol



*cheers watmm*

i really love you guys


yeah i fed the kitty some cheetos yesterday when i was drunk , that might explained the orange

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bloody mary with bacon vodka please *suddenly realises it's the afternoon and i'm in the beer garden shrubbery, exits over wall*

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