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pub roleplay thread

Guest idrn

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Guest abusivegeorge

Can I get a coke and an Ice water with Ice up in here please? Stoppit your fucking shift man, get your shit on. thirtysix has been behind here for 12 days now.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Dude you've been cracked for nearly two weeks, I'm sorry I left you hear man, I was on a penny farthing selling ice cream acid trip. Thanks for taking car of the bar man, your wicked, double pay!

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Guest Stoppit

Sorry, I'm here now...I've been on the phone to the brewery all day...supply issues...


*vaults athletically over bar*

*falls down open cellar hatch*

*gets up, pretends nothing happened*


right, what's everyone having?



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Guest abusivegeorge

I'll have an ice water with ice, a cranberry juice and whatever Chloe wants please bud.


How you been lately my main man?

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Guest abusivegeorge

Hey 1-36, how you been dude? Thanks for looking after the pub! You enjoying the weekend with your balls down there mate?

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Guest Stoppit

*gets george icewater with ice, a cranberry juice and another complimentary ice water with ice*


Hey dude, I'm very well thanks...I fell down the cellar hatch earlier..but luckily there was plenty of ice around, so the bruising isn't too bad.


How are you?

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Guest abusivegeorge

Sorry about that mate, 1-36 has been too busy with his balls to clear up.


Yea I've been very good thanks mate, had my hands in some of the finest areas of the world yesterday, and the weekends been good.



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*walks in wearing only underwear, doesn't recognise underwear, takes them off in a hurry*


a jug of water please, stoppit


*washes junk*

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