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I'm bored

Guest my usernames always really suck

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You: lol

You: this is the most pointless website ever

Stranger: hahahaha word

Stranger: so how old are you? like 50

You: lol 20

Stranger: oh shit

Stranger: yeah im 17

You: lol

Stranger: so ur not a pedophile?

Stranger: i mean ill probly stop talking to you if you are

You: no but i collect penises

Stranger: FUCK IM OUT

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



(I'm 'yo' below)

yo: lol

God=Fake: Hello.

yo: god=fake

God=Fake: Yup.

yo: good fun

God=Fake: God is fake.

yo: actually I am god

God=Fake: Oh really?

God=Fake: What is my name, "God?"

yo: God seeth all

God=Fake: What is my name?

yo: You are my son

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and of course i am a dork, so i still have it saved



You: over here....stranger

Stranger: don't talk to strangers

You: got something that might interest ya! hehehe

Stranger: which is?

You: what are ya buyin'?

Stranger: dunno

You: is that all, stranger?

Stranger: nope actually

You: what are ya sellin'?

Stranger: life

You: AH, i'll buy it at a high price!

You: i see you have an eye for things! gun's not just about shootin', it's about reloadin! you'll know what i'm talkin about!

Stranger: i know

You: stranger, STRANGER! now that's a weapon!

Stranger: look

Stranger: i don't wanna use power

Stranger: so calm down

You: what you need that for mate? goin' huntin' an elephant?

Stranger: i don't hunt

You: a choice of an avid gun collecter!, it's a nice gun stranger!

You: is that all stranger?

Stranger: nope

You: what are ya buyin'?

Stranger: you say


Stranger: thanks

You: HEHEHE, thank you

Stranger: you're a cool one

You: come back anytime




Wow, I can hear it in my head.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

Stranger: hi


Stranger: I'm not understand


Stranger: I'm not speak to English

You: well i'm gonna ask you somethin

You: what does Marcellus Wallace LOOK LIKE

Stranger: Time

Stranger: what

You: say what again! i dare you!


Stranger: ??

You: well??

Stranger: Ok

You: does he??

Stranger: I'm girl

You: then why'd you try to fuck him like a bitch?

You: the only person that mr wallace likes to be fucked by is MRS. wallace

Stranger: ;;

You: do you read the bible?

Stranger: nono

You: because there's this...passage, i got memorised

Stranger: Only answer will do

Stranger: ....

You: The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men

You: Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.

You: And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.

You: And you will know my name is THE LORD when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

Stranger: That much. English and is sorry

You: *kills*

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