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Midi Wheel Flickering / Juddering

G. I. Raffe

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i have an M-Audio Radium plugged into my Mac with reason running.. but the pitch wheel (in reason) is flickering up and down


Anyone experience anything like this before?


Everything I play sounds like BOC



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i had something similar once when i left virtual midi ports open, it made a sort of feedback loop which manifested in spacky controllers.


if that's not it then get midipipe (or pc equivalent) to see what's actually being sent and recieved on your ports.

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I had a bum Oxy-8 with a pitch bend wheel that would send subtle random pitch values around wherever the wheel was. Not only does a collection of my songs sound a bit off, but it would crash my programs pretty frequently because the midi thread was never destroyed properly. I eventually sold it and bought a new controller.

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And thats what I did for a while AFTER I discovered the problem, but some of us actually use the mod wheel and thus why I had to replace it.

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well yeah, but you said you had a frequent problem with it crashing your computer, which would give the impression otherwise.

no need to get all passive-aggressive up in my face, singling me out as some kind of modulation wheel noob. you dont know about me and my modulation wheel. better watch your mouth because i will come down so hard with my weighted keys, after touch, modulation wheel and mother fucking sustain pedal you'll be shitting diminished 5ths for weeks.

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well yeah, but you said you had a frequent problem with it crashing your computer, which would give the impression otherwise.

no need to get all passive-aggressive up in my face, singling me out as some kind of modulation wheel noob. you dont know about me and my modulation wheel. better watch your mouth because i will come down so hard with my weighted keys, after touch, modulation wheel and mother fucking sustain pedal you'll be shitting diminished 5ths for weeks.



Pssh thats all bs and you know it. You know all you would do is wag your Wii-Mote around in fairy like motions.

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Guest Gardenia

I had the same issue, I wound up having to turn the pitch bend range to 0 on all the instruments. Eventually I bought an Axiom instead and gave the Radium to a friend just starting out.

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well yeah, but you said you had a frequent problem with it crashing your computer, which would give the impression otherwise.

no need to get all passive-aggressive up in my face, singling me out as some kind of modulation wheel noob. you dont know about me and my modulation wheel. better watch your mouth because i will come down so hard with my weighted keys, after touch, modulation wheel and mother fucking sustain pedal you'll be shitting diminished 5ths for weeks.


Pssh thats all bs and you know it. You know all you would do is wag your Wii-Mote around in fairy like motions.


shit mate, you stepping? i raise you one wii-mote, y-axis acting as modulation in freestyle improv. bpm and key of your choice. :sorcerer:

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That was you who posted a video of you in laptop battle with a wii mote right? How did that go? That shit would be hilarious if the two finalists had wii mote and attacked each other with their wands all Harry Potter style.



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yeah it went down well, done it live two times now. it's a crowd pleaser 'punching' gabber kicks however ultimately it's quite limited as your single midi controller and comes across as a novelty. second time i used it was just for 10 minutes at the beginning of my set - i'd set it up with the nunchuck to drum more novelty gabber shite before i started things proper but also ensured it was quantised as the 'hits' can be not that accurate (unless you stand deadly still and pay a lot of attention to the velocity at which you drum).


there are other good uses though, particularly in conjunction with the buttons. for example, cutoff, tremelo etc on the movements itself, but also very low or high notes assigned to the buttons in the same key at which your playing. when you have a nice bit of legato on whatever synth patch youre playing you can tap away to add jaunty slides here and there. good on a decent squelch bass. "squelchgardium leviosa"

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