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Guest maantecaaa!!!

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Guest maantecaaa!!!

Based on the replies i got in the web programming thread i've decided to focus on learning javascript. I want to use it for web stuff(mostly interacting with libraries), flash(actionscript) and possibly some electronics programming.


I read through most of the tutorials on webmonkey and am ready to start practicing. Is there anything in particular I should do to get started, in terms of development environment, etc? Is there a particular version of javascript i should be focusing on? If I learn one version, how much of a leap is it to learn/program a different version?


Sorry for all the questions, i tend to get paralyzed by overanalysis.

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There really isn't any 'version' of Javascript, but as for libraries, you might consider learning JQuery - it seems to be the most widely-used and popular of the libraries to use for enhancing web applications.


As for a development environment, I think a combination of a good editor (Aptana is a really good IDE that supports multiple languages and has support for JS debugging) and a browser like Firefox with the Firebug extension (very handy for seeing how the DOM interacts with the web page).


Hope that helps!

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Guest maantecaaa!!!
There really isn't any 'version' of Javascript, but as for libraries, you might consider learning JQuery - it seems to be the most widely-used and popular of the libraries to use for enhancing web applications.


As for a development environment, I think a combination of a good editor (Aptana is a really good IDE that supports multiple languages and has support for JS debugging) and a browser like Firefox with the Firebug extension (very handy for seeing how the DOM interacts with the web page).


Hope that helps!


Thanks Joyrex, it does help. I'm downloading all the stuff you recommended right now..



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