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somebody ought to autotune the news


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Its just one of those things that really annoy me. I don't mind it when I'm at a packed bar where everyone is pissed or at a club, you just expect it. But if you come to my house and you pee on my seat I will make you clean it up.


You can pee on my seat though mister ludd.

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I don't mind you weeing in the bath. Its quite fun having the freedom and space to go hands free and get those snake hips working. I usually give it a thorough rinse before I run one anyway. I draw the line at the sink though. Can't have that. The sink is sacred.


On a little sideline to this thread about autotuning the news....


Does anyone own a bidet?






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Guest Helper ET

i know what youre sayin...youre saying you are still part of the population which pees whilst standing. this doesnt even make sense, because nobody pees with the toilet seat down, unless you are sitting on it, or are retarded


basically... sit down like a girl when you pee, and then you can avoid pee splashing on the floor, your feet and ankles, and all over the toilet. i am in complete awe and wonder as to why any man is still peeing whilst standing. it makes absolutely no sense. there are about 3 good reasons to pee standing up, and about 10 good reasons to pee sitting down. if you call yourself a man of intellect and are still peeing while standing...you are a walking contradiction

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no but i made a thread about bideting once cos i am intrigued by it. i'd love to be able to massage my sphincter daily with warm water jets (that's what they're for eh?) i hope to own a bidet one day soon.

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I have never knowingly experienced the Automated Bidet. Only ever the traditional one with a tap, incorrect use of which can lead to scrotal scolding if you fail to utilize the cup, lift and shield technique (this obviously depends on your choice of stance. Once the bidet is full you sort of slop the water around your jewels and nether regions, using the oppitunity to remove any unsightly grogans and revel in the comfort of the ritual.


Then you simply drain the brackish water, rinse and dab dry with a clean towel.





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I have never knowingly experienced the Automated Bidet. Only ever the traditional one with a tap, incorrect use of which can lead to scrotal scolding if you fail to utilize the cup, lift and shield technique (this obviously depends on your choice of stance. Once the bidet is full you sort of slop the water around your jewels and nether regions, using the oppitunity to remove any unsightly grogans and revel in the comfort of the ritual.


Then you simply drain the brackish water, rinse and dab dry with a clean towel.


and then dry your face with the same towel.


when i bidet (twice) i don't bathe my nuts in shit soup.

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i know what youre sayin...youre saying you are still part of the population which wees in a toilet. this doesnt even make sense, because you have to expend extra energy going back and forth to the toilet, nobody does this unless you are defiantly traditionalist, or retarded


basically... keep an empty 6 litre plastic cooking oil container, and then you wee in this and make just one visit to the toilet when it is full. i am in complete awe and wonder as to why any man is still weeing in the toilet. it makes absolutely no sense. there are about 3 good reasons to wee in a toilet, and about 10 good reasons to wee in a 6 litre plastic cooking oil container. if you call yourself a man of intellect and are still weeing in a toilet ...you are a walking contradiction

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'Bidets are primarily used to wash and clean the genitalia, perineum, inner buttocks, and anus. They may also be used to clean any other part of the body; they are very convenient for cleaning the feet, for example. Despite appearing similar to a toilet, it would be more accurate to compare it to the washbasin or bathtub. In fact, the bidet is used by some for a baby bath.


Users who are unfamiliar with bidets often confuse a bidet with a urinal, toilet, or even a drinking fountain. Many children believe that it is for washing away sand from the feet, when you have been to the beach. It is generally understood that the user should sit on a bidet facing the tap and nozzle for washing the genitalia, and should sit with back to the tap and wall when washing the anus and buttocks. For a thorough cleaning, the user should use a hand to scrub the area with soap after wetting, then rinse. A dedicated towel is often available for drying.'



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Guest Helper ET

omg lol


yes...the truth is, one day, we shall all overcome fear and pee in cooking oil containers and set them on desks as casually as we would a bottle of water


its funny cause its true!

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Guest Helper ET

the reality ludd speaks of is one of many truths. he dreams incredible dreams of peeing in the bedroom and living room, he dreams peeing in a car, none of which is ridiculed, because it has become the societal norm to do so


if logic had anything to do with any of this, we would have been peeing in containers years ago. fear alone controls the masses into believing such things are impossible

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I love google image searches.


Anything you type in eventualy produces an image of a man/woman in a formal suit from some business employee gallery.


I give you Business Development Manager at MacoPharma (France). Francois Bidet





Edit - omg he looks like my avatar +32 years.

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Guest Helper ET
I love google image searches.


Anything you type in eventualy produces an image of a man/woman in a formal suit from some business employee gallery.


its true...i randomly typed peice of shit into google images and on page 2 found a suit...basically its a conspiracy against feces. spread the word...




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