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The "so today" thread

Guest abusivegeorge

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Guest abusivegeorge

Well this weekend I have relapsed, I've been back to my old ways, I've been planning how I can kill Chloe because she has wished me dead, and I've gone completely insane. There is one person tonight who has been talking to me, and understands completely. and I hope to go and stay with him soon, for a period of time and thats essines. I have had PM's from several of you on here also, and even some fone numbers exchanged. I cannot thankyou all enough for your support, but you are all legends.

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Guest ms-dos

put down the drink dude


you were doing well and relapses happen. you can get back there.

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Guest 277: 930-933

That's some fucked up shit.

You know you´re stronger than the drink, everyone has their weak moments.

And here´s to hoping that stupid cunt bitch dies without you having to help her.


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Guest ward

did the 'so today' thread get deleted?


i wanted to re-read it, what has chloe done?



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Guest ms-dos

You're not like most other alcoholics. Your liver won't give you a bunch of chances to get clean. You're going to die if you don't stop, and you know that.


You're 21. That's only a quarter of a lifetime. Stop and think about that. And don't stop thinking about it until you have giant fucking goosebumps all over your neck. You've got a lot of living to do and it's not all going to be shitty like this.


Did you keep your doctor's appointment? You need to go if you haven't.


P.S. Fuck Chloe


(but don't kill her)

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Guest my usernames always really suck

Do you have any constructive hobbies to keep your mind off the alcohol? Find some really nerdy hobbies that you might find interesting.

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Guest chax

i still think it's in your best interest to be on anti-depressants or some kind of medication.


it doesn't matter if you don't like 'altered mind states' or whatever, it's about living and surviving


try to realize that your thought patterns are messed up, and to question a lot of the decisions you make. try to look outside yourself and be more objective. hope this helps

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Guest abusivegeorge

Why did ItsMeP say that?


I've only ever asked for help!


I'm trying guys I really am!

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wtf is going on? :o


abusivegeorge is a recovering alcoholic, with severe liver issues, who relapsed on friday. his girlfriend (chloe s on watmm) straight up stonewalled him and told him "i hope you die". George is a strong man and is doing an excellent job of sobriety, relapse or not, and he just needs support. i've got his back, he knows that what he is doing isn't the proper route and he's fighting through it. Mad respect for the guy for trying as hard as he is to go clean and i've got his back 100% the whole way through. The drama is not as important as the goal he's trying to acheive, which is sobriety.


godspeed, praise allah, fuck the blood of christ, what ever it takes man.

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Guest abusivegeorge
All I have to say about this is: fucking lol.




Lol I know who you are, you're already dead.

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Guest abusivegeorge
wtf is going on? :o


abusivegeorge is a recovering alcoholic, with severe liver issues, who relapsed on friday. his girlfriend (chloe s on watmm) straight up stonewalled him and told him "i hope you die". George is a strong man and is doing an excellent job of sobriety, relapse or not, and he just needs support. i've got his back, he knows that what he is doing isn't the proper route and he's fighting through it. Mad respect for the guy for trying as hard as he is to go clean and i've got his back 100% the whole way through. The drama is not as important as the goal he's trying to acheive, which is sobriety.


godspeed, praise allah, fuck the blood of christ, what ever it takes man.


Ess is a guy who really understands and you know what I don't actually know what to say!


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I'm new here but I can definitely relate to you, man. The road is tough but not impossible, just remember that. If you ever need any help, anything, just give me a buzz, k? We're here for you.

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Guest thanksomuch

much hugs and support George. feel free to talk to us privately if you need to.

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