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doing the right thing...

Guest Helper ET

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Guest Helper ET

should i do the right thing? i cant decide. ive been given an opportunity to make a big change in my life, and it all comes down to whether or not i am willing to do the right thing. i know i want to do the right thing, but my mind doesnt understand what the right thing is. it has hints and ideas of what the right thing is, but it has no idea what the right thing is objectively. i can follow the hints of the right thing, but sometimes i find myself in the wrong thing while trying to do the right thing


i have two options as far as i can see:


do what i believe to be the right thing at the present time, oblivious to the sequential consequences that follow, no matter how drastic they may seem




follow my usual pattern based mentality, which seems much more logical and sensual, yet never seems to ever lead me to any higher truth


its almost feels like i need to combine the two options. doing so leads me to great cognitive dissonance though, so i become trapped


what should i do? im freaking out

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Guest Helper ET

its all around me though capsaicin. i can follow my feelings (heart), but judgment is of the mind, and thats what i am questioning. i guess im just unclear...i dont understand the mind/heart integration. i only have a certain amount of time to figure this out or i will be cast to the next plain of existence without preparation

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

return to the mothership


your place is is not meant to be on this earth

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Guest Helper ET

im in need of intense and immediate help


this is no joke


all outlets of help that society provides are of false nature. i must seek help of individuals in an unconventional matter. that is my only hope

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Guest Helper ET

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i see you! help me!


edit: oh my god

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Guest 277: 930-933

Just do whatever feels good.

What you consider right might be completely different in a few years time or when you're more drunk and you'll regret not doing what made you feel good instead of smug for maybe half an hour.



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youre not gonna find the answer through some idiot on a message board


this is the stuff that takes soul searching.. you cant expect to be spoon fed all the answers through your life




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Guest Helper ET
I hate vague posts like this


allow me to be more specific, without spilling the beans completely



ive realized a choice in my life. im at a crossroads. i must either do one thing, which we shall call choice number one, or the other thing, which we shall call choice number two. btw, not doing either, is the same as choice one, in case you thought of that


if i choose choice number one, these things will probably happen:


i will maintain my current lifestyle, which encompasses little money, a loving girlfriend whom i am in love with, a bad housing situation, and general dissatisfaction and unhappiness in life. generally a continuation of the life i have been living for the past several years


if i choose choice number two, i predict that these things will happen, although because they are in the future, it might not necessarily occur:


a change in lifestyle, in a way which would become complex yet easy to explain. its likely that i would be involved with a lot more money, and im talking about big money here. not big big, but bigger than 9-5. there is a chance that my loving girlfriend would not continue on with me on my journey...we may not be able to be together because of a difference in values. this is really the big thing, if not the only serious matter in all of this. in other words, i want to make a big change in my life, and part of that change includes me moving 5 hours south, and she has obligations and commitments here which she feels must be met, so you can see the conflict. and in comparison to choice one, the final part about dissatisfaction and unhappiness in life, would probably change, i wouldnt necessary become satisfied and happy, but i would at least be trying to do something about it


ive been going mad about a third option which somehow encompasses both choices one and two, but at this point it seems impossible



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Guest Helper ET
youre not gonna find the answer through some idiot on a message board


this is the stuff that takes soul searching.. you cant expect to be spoon fed all the answers through your life


actually i beleive just the opposite. some idiot on a message board is actually the only one who can explain to me what i should do, in the words that make perfect sense to me


maybe your right, no one here can help, but if that is true, than i would think no one can help me, and if that is true, then that means that this whole thread is pointless, and if that is true, than it means that i must make the choice on my own, and if that is true, than i think im going to choose choice number two, and if that is true, it means that there is a great deal of unhappiness ahead of me, more so than i am already experiencing, and if that is true than it makes perfect sense that i would come on here to ask for help. you see?

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Guest Mr Salads

Can you stop talking like a douche bag and just tell us what choices youre facing?


This is a fucking message board. No one knows who you are.

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how can i manifest my power animal?


You must take a shamanic journey. You will meet a great many spirit animals, but not all are for you. You must meet the one who offers you the gift of his wisdom, and you will have met your power animal.

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Guest Iain C

Go for the choice that gives you more money. More money will attract a new girlfriend. Problem solved.

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Guest Helper ET
how can i manifest my power animal?


You must take a shamanic journey. You will meet a great many spirit animals, but not all are for you. You must meet the one who offers you the gift of his wisdom, and you will have met your power animal.


is it required to take a certain drug in order to have a shamanic journey, or can i accomplish this easily wiht meditation?


Can you stop talking like a douche bag and just tell us what choices youre facing?


This is a fucking message board. No one knows who you are.


well i already explained it almost all if you had read it carefully enough. btw your face is a douche bag. here it goes.


choice 1:


stay exactly where i am, a bad big city, not much will change. my relationship with my girlfriend will not change, which is a bad thing, i will continue to have no money, bad jobs, little/weird friends, general unhappiness


choice 2: move to my grandmas house in a small town 5 hours south, find god, find my true consciousness, learn to project astrally at will, not be confined by the restraints of the system, work less, make money on the internet, write more music, which will enter a new level of meaning. it all sounds good, except my girlfriend may not come with me, and so that makes me question my whole quest.


is that clear enough for you mr salads?

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Absolutely no drugs required. You should read up on Shamanic Journeying, ET. Drugs mess with reality by poisoning your brain chemistry. Shamanic Journeying is an adventure into other dimensions, and is of the utmost importance.

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