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pub quiz thread

Guest idrn

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Guest idrn

all proceeds go toward epping cudswallop women's institute annual fete. for the winning team we have 2 bottles of asda baby cham, for the losers an embroidered dishcloth.


first round, guess the film titles;


1. Quentin's murder Mr Beaumont

2. In four weeks time with Christopher Eccleston

3. A few enjoy their's warm

4. Mother Theresa, Hitler and Susan Boyle

5. This Saturday starring Jake Gyllenhal

6. MMI Cosmic Journey

7. Dustin Hoffman is the man with a BSc

8. Bogart takes a huge kip

9. £603,211 infant

10. A dozen pissed off blokes



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Well, I'll give it a go.


1. Quentin's murder Mr Beaumont

2. In four weeks time with Christopher Eccleston - 28 Days Later

3. A few enjoy their's warm - Some Like it Hot

4. Mother Theresa, Hitler and Susan Boyle - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

5. This Saturday starring Jake Gyllenhal - The Day After Tomorrow

6. MMI Cosmic Journey - 2001 A Space Odyssey

7. Dustin Hoffman is the man with a BSc - Rain Man?

8. Bogart takes a huge kip - The Big Sleep

9. £603,211 infant - Million Dollar Baby

10. A dozen pissed off blokes - 12 Angry Men

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Guest Iain C
Well, I'll give it a go.


1. Quentin's murder Mr Beaumont

2. In four weeks time with Christopher Eccleston - 28 Days Later

3. A few enjoy their's warm - Some Like it Hot

4. Mother Theresa, Hitler and Susan Boyle - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

5. This Saturday starring Jake Gyllenhal - The Day After Tomorrow

6. MMI Cosmic Journey - 2001 A Space Odyssey

7. Dustin Hoffman is the man with a BSc - Rain Man?

8. Bogart takes a huge kip

9. £603,211 infant - Million Dollar Baby

10. A dozen pissed off blokes - 12 Angry Men


8 is the Big Sleep, as any fule kno

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Well, I'll give it a go.


1. Quentin's murder Mr Beaumont

2. In four weeks time with Christopher Eccleston - 28 Days Later

3. A few enjoy their's warm - Some Like it Hot

4. Mother Theresa, Hitler and Susan Boyle - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

5. This Saturday starring Jake Gyllenhal - The Day After Tomorrow

6. MMI Cosmic Journey - 2001 A Space Odyssey

7. Dustin Hoffman is the man with a BSc - Rain Man?

8. Bogart takes a huge kip

9. £603,211 infant - Million Dollar Baby

10. A dozen pissed off blokes - 12 Angry Men


8 is the Big Sleep, as any fule kno


Haha, yeah I didn't know what kip meant and was trying not to cheat. Gotta admit some of these were tough not knowing the UK references.

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Ah, that makes sense. I really didn't know what BSc stood for, thought it might be a meteorology title which is why I guessed that. I've always just seen Bachelor's degree as BS in the states. Nice little double entendre there.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

j'adore pub quizes. my team won second recently at the pig & whistle sunday night quiz. i wasn't much use that night but i was the only one to get an mpeople question right.


edit: second was good because we had 4 and the winning team had at least 8

edit2: and we lost by 1 point

edit3: on the last round

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My locals is fiendishly difficult and goes on for hours (with all the breaks as well). Standard proceedure for us is to say we're not doing the quiz, end up doing it anyway, getting pissed by the time the halfway point rolls about, writing silly answers, then finally drawing a bizarre caricature of the quizmaster as some half human, half animal hybrid as the team name. This occurs every month or so. Also combined with a sound mocking of the answers we put down by said quizmaster over the microphone at the end.

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Guest abusivegeorge
My locals is fiendishly difficult and goes on for hours (with all the breaks as well). Standard proceedure for us is to say we're not doing the quiz, end up doing it anyway, getting pissed by the time the halfway point rolls about, writing silly answers, then finally drawing a bizarre caricature of the quizmaster as some half human, half animal hybrid as the team name. This occurs every month or so. Also combined with a sound mocking of the answers we put down by said quizmaster over the microphone at the end.


He spits in your drinks whilst your not looking.


Cool thread by the way.

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He spits in your drinks whilst your not looking.


Cool thread by the way.


Haha, he doesn't serve drinks anymore, he only comes in to drink and do the quiz. Thank god! It's all good natured anyway :)

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j'adore pub quizes. my team won second recently at the pig & whistle sunday night quiz. i wasn't much use that night but i was the only one to get an mpeople question right.


edit: second was good because we had 4 and the winning team had at least 8

edit2: and we lost by 1 point

edit3: on the last round

i remember you don't like the south african accent either. last pub quiz i was at the dude doing it was south african, i ended up arguing with someone about his accent (they said it was another accent) rather than filling in the answers, then he apologised for his south african accent, then we left without finishing the quiz cause his accent was annoying



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Guest idrn

well done everyone, watmm team wailing reasonably hard on that last round. if everyone is done buying a pint/having a piss/smoking a fag well move onto the next round, 'connections'.


1. which war went on between 1453 and 1487?

2. with which ship would you associate captain bligh and fletcher christian?

3. what battle did pheidippedes supposedly run to athens to warn of?

4. which rapper has come back with a new album after battling a drug addiction?

5. who is the roman equivlent of the greek god ares?

6. (the cunt) graham norton took over who's job of 38 years?

7. king, emperor and crested are all types of what bird?


and finally


8. what is the connection?

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i've never met a nice south african

and thats not bloody suprising me

because i've never met one either



1. which war went on between 1453 and 1487?

2. with which ship would you associate captain bligh and fletcher christian?

3. what battle did pheidippedes supposedly run to athens to warn of? greco persian war, battle of thermopali?

4. which rapper has come back with a new album after battling a drug addiction? eminem

5. who is the roman equivlent of the greek god ares? mars?

6. (the cunt) graham norton took over who's job of 38 years? terry wogan?

7. king, emperor and crested are all types of what bird?


and finally


8. what is the connection?


agh i suck

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch
i've never met a nice south african

and thats not bloody suprising me

because i've never met one either



1. which war went on between 1453 and 1487?

2. with which ship would you associate captain bligh and fletcher christian?

3. what battle did pheidippedes supposedly run to athens to warn of? greco persian war, battle of thermopali?

4. which rapper has come back with a new album after battling a drug addiction? eminem

5. who is the roman equivlent of the greek god ares? mars?

6. (the cunt) graham norton took over who's job of 38 years? terry wogan?

7. king, emperor and crested are all types of what bird? penguin!!


and finally


8. what is the connection?



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Guest idrn

nice nice, think you can have a pop at the connection? i was contesting penguin on a technicality when we made this round...

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

is the connection something to do with either names (using different) or lengths of time?

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Guest idrn

yeah, xltronic are 2 points down. planet-mu just drew a picture of a cat with three vaginas then went to snort ketamine in the toilets.

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