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Using Public (or work) Restrooms


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Guest Renivatio
i am the cleaning staff at the studio where i usually work. it takes about a minute to clean a bathroom because i just windex everything.


Heh, when the bathrooms are clean at my job, I do the same. X]

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Guest taxman

it's not what i'm normally doing but at the end of the day i'm near the bottom of the totem pole at this place.

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Guest Deep Fried Everything
I was in the bathroom taking a much-needed dump after my Mexican enchilada lunch, and I hear the knock at the door (no, not my ass) - and in heavily-accented ingles:


"Jello? Ez anybohdee dere? Cleeneeng Surveece. Jello?"


So, rather than politely respond in Spanish that yes, the bathroom did have lone occupant, I quickly lifted my legs up and propped my feet onto the stall wall, thus concealing my presence, and remained silent. I had yet to release my load at this point.


Did I mention the cleaning staff was female?


So, I hear some plastic bags rustle, and shuffling of feet, and through the crack in the stall door, I could see it was an older Latina, who started by wiping down the counter around the sinks. At this point I am literally bursting from both ends (with laughter and with the increasing pressure on my sphincter that having my feet up produced), trying to contain myself.


Suddenly, without warning, I convulsively burst out laughing, trying to contain it (like when you try and hold a laugh in and it bursts out), but at the same time, erupt down below with a force and fury like I had never experienced, sending a stream of semi-liquid shit cannonballing into the bowl, with nice farty sounds escaping and echoing. Even though it happened in a matter of a few seconds, it seemed like an eternity, and I quickly focused on the crack in the door to see what my victim's reaction was.


She had left everything where it was, with a rag still on the counter, and I could hear the door closing. I silently giggled to myself, barely able to contain myself each time another round of ass cannonballs decided to fire off.


After it was over, I then focused on the new problem - how to get out of there unseen - the woman could be waiting for me outside, and I know I wouldn't be able to look her in the eye if that was the case.


Then, opportunity struck - another employee came in, stepped over the cleaning supplies left scattered in the restroom, and prepared to use the urinal - his mistake was inhaling deeply to cough up some phlegm, and I heard him half-gag at my stench. I almost lost it again with laughter.


I quickly got up, did my pants and belt, and exited the stall as he was flushing, and proceeded to wash my hands, fully taking in the chaos of the scene in the bathroom. I didn't even hear the mop handle that had hit the floor in her wake (I guess I was shitting or laughing too hard). I then exited first, and thankfully nobody was outside waiting.


I plan on doing this again if at all possible.


A++++ would read again!


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