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naps after work are scary


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i got home from work about an hour ago and wound up setting my alarm for half an hour and dozing off. when my alarm went off and woke me up i could have sworn it was my boss calling me to tell me i was 3 hours late (the sun was up and bright and i am supposed to work at 5am tomorrow). i then noticed there was music coming from my computer and i was alone on the futon in my living room. so i immediately thought i did something real bad like got drunk or hit my girlfriend or probably both. then i looked at the time at it was 4pm and i lolled softly to myself and cracked a beer.


seriously though, i don't want to nap after work because this kind of shit gives me immense stress issues. come to think of it, everytime i wake up i figure i have to get up/am late for work. my life sucks.

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Guest abusivegeorge
i got home from work about an hour ago and wound up setting my alarm for half an hour and dozing off. when my alarm went off and woke me up i could have sworn it was my boss calling me to tell me i was 3 hours late (the sun was up and bright and i am supposed to work at 5am tomorrow). i then noticed there was music coming from my computer and i was alone on the futon in my living room. so i immediately thought i did something real bad like got drunk or hit my girlfriend or probably both. then i looked at the time at it was 4pm and i lolled softly to myself and cracked a beer.


seriously though, i don't want to nap after work because this kind of shit gives me immense stress issues. come to think of it, everytime i wake up i figure i have to get up/am late for work. my life sucks.


Don't even get me started on napping stress, you know what my sleep pattern is like, well everytime I wake up I think I'm late for a meeting, or I've set my alarm to go into my daycare centre (which I no longer attend but can't get used to) and panic thinking I've got to rush to get out of bed. The anti-depressants making me paranoid don't help, and yeah again as you know I can never sleep so every rest I have is like a short "nap", so four/five times a day I am waking up like this. Fuck that, stress stations or what.


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exactly! i never used to nap cause i rarely slept at all, but now with my work schedule i find my self helplessly tired at about 3pm and then awake till1, asleep again till 5, then at work at 6. every time i am paranoid that my phone is going to fuck me over and not wake me up.


fuck naps.

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Waking up can be a bitch.

3 years ago when I was a working man I woke up one winter morning, grabbed my watch which was lying next to me and realised I had overslept. I was supposed to be at work at 9 AM and my watch said 9 AM. So I jumped out of bed, got dressed really fast, grabbed my bag and ran out of the house at full speed and continued down the road. As I was running I felt like something was really wrong, so I stopped up and had a look around. There were no cars on the road and there were no pedestrians either. I had a look at my watch again and it turned out the time was 3 in the morning. When I woke up and had a look at my watch I had it turned upside down so instead of 3 AM it said 9 AM. I laughed my ass off and went back to my house and got back to bed.


Needless to say I'm really, really tired and confused when I wake up.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Yea I get that too, checking everytime I wake up that I haven't left my fone on silent or my alarm won't go off. How many times do I need to check for fuck sake?


lol squee

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Guest Mr Salads

I dont get any fucking sleep in my new apartment. Theres always some bullshit commotion outside. Some fucker is cutting grass at 7am on a weekday. Trash man comes around that time. For FUCKS SAKES.


Btw I use my phone as my alarm, anybody else do that

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though out the stanley cup finals, i had to have a sleep when i got home from work, to be able to stay awake till 4am.

and the same thing happend to me, i woke up thinking i was late for work when it was 10 am and dusk outside.



i use my phone for an alarm, ive got acid highway by ceephax as my alarm clock track, ive woken up to that track for the last 2 years, its a perfect wake up track. .

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

sleeping can be contradictory


power naps are good right?


well i read the other day that we sleep in 90 min cycles. so when you wake up before the 90 minute cycle is up you feel groggy. so if you wake up at 6:45am and your alarm is set for 7, don't go back to sleep.


maybe its a REM thing. power naps are too short to get at the 90min cycle phase


haven't taken a day nap for years.

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when i traveled to india i couldnt sleep on the 18 hour flight because the fuckin attendants woke me up every 20 mins and the plane sucked ass, but i arrived in mumbai at about 3 am local time. took a van to my final destination, about a 3 hour ride on which i was in and out of sleep constantly.


arrived at 6-7 am, got settled and went to sleep at about 3 pm after being awake for who knows how long. alarm went off at about 7pm for dinner. woke up in my new room, totally fuckin disoriented. it seriously took me 30 seconds to realize where i was. scary feeling. try counting to 30 and imagine what its like for those 30 seconds to have no idea where you are, how you got there, etc.

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Guest zaphod
Btw I use my phone as my alarm, anybody else do that


yeah my phone is my alarm. problem is, my phone is a piece of shit. so sometimes i'll set it and my phone will die and i won't wake up. although lately what i've been doing is waking up about four minutes before the alarm is set. it really pisses me off for some reason. like i've been cheated.

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Guest Adjective

my phone alarm is either:

christ - cordate (because it creeps in softly and you can turn it off before it get's loud)

gak 4

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Btw I use my phone as my alarm, anybody else do that


Same here. Helen Merrill wakes me up every morning singing "Comes Love"


Can't find the version I wake up so here's another one...



I also like waking up to Sixto Rodriguez's Suger Man



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Guest Mr Salads
Btw I use my phone as my alarm, anybody else do that


yeah my phone is my alarm. problem is, my phone is a piece of shit. so sometimes i'll set it and my phone will die and i won't wake up. although lately what i've been doing is waking up about four minutes before the alarm is set. it really pisses me off for some reason. like i've been cheated.


With that sick money you earn its probably time to buy an iphone


Mine works pretty good!

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Guest Drahken

Happens to me on the weekends. Ill wake up at 9 or so and jump out of bed thinking my alarm didn't go off and I'm late to work. Takes a few minutes before it clicks that its Saturday.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Oh SICK money, I thought you meant like he earnt a lot or something as in "that jewellry's sick bruv".

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my phone alarm is either:

christ - cordate (because it creeps in softly and you can turn it off before it get's loud)

gak 4


cordate is the greatest song ever, i can't imagine waking up to that...i should try it out


but wait i remember reading somewhere...isn't the song you wake up to the song you end up totally hating?


i would never want to hate christ.

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Guest abusivegeorge
Thats what I fuckin meant, what else could it have meant


Sick money here in England=benefits earned by people too ill to work, getting paid from work but are absent due to illness.



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Guest Adjective
my phone alarm is either:

christ - cordate (because it creeps in softly and you can turn it off before it get's loud)

gak 4


cordate is the greatest song ever, i can't imagine waking up to that...i should try it out


but wait i remember reading somewhere...isn't the song you wake up to the song you end up totally hating?


i would never want to hate christ.

yeah that's not far off, it does become the bane of your existence sometimes, but then again, how awful would it be to wake up to a song you always hated?


i recommend any song that starts off slow, it pisses you off a lot less and you don't panic trying to get the snooze button

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Guest Mr Salads
Thats what I fuckin meant, what else could it have meant


Sick money here in England=benefits earned by people too ill to work, getting paid from work but are absent due to illness.


lol oh. Yeah. That too.

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