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EdamAnchorman last won the day on August 6 2022

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About EdamAnchorman

  • Birthday 08/26/1981

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  1. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4788663-andy-ogles-impeachment-articles-kamala-harris/amp/ Well, that didn't take long.
  2. My parents bought records for me and my brothers like the Ghostbusters soundtrack and superman music, stuff like that, when we were really little but the first record I bought for myself was probably Black Moth Super Rainbow. I got into vinyl later in life. First CD was the down in it single by NIN, first cassettes were Boyz 2 Men "Cooleyhighharmony" and Rage Against the Machine s/t.
  3. Agree, but hopefully this movement would peter out eventually with no candidates to vote for. These people may be motivated but when things aren't easy, I'm guessing they're not the most resourceful bunch.
  4. If they lose, there's absolutely nothing that could've been done to prevent them from claiming fraud. This again goes back to my theory that a large chunk of Trump's base (and the chuds they have subsequently elected) did not by-and-large participate much in the political system in the past because they don't trust the system. For someone who doesn't trust the system, they'll stay mum if they win of course but if they lose, well, the system is rigged again. You can't win against these people, even with a bandolier full of easy-to-verify facts. "Rigged" is their default setting. The only way to get things somewhat back to normal is for these people to have no candidates to support, then hopefully they'll crawl back into their lairs and just mutter to their spouses / family / neighbors about how much the system is rigged instead of going out and voting that sentiment. Sure, these people have always existed, but it seems that they've grown in number in the past few decades and I really wonder why. I'm sure the widening wealth gap is a major contributing factor. It's easy for not-so-bright normies working hard day in and day out, seeing their savings and purchasing power stagnate while the rich get richer, to postulate that the whole system is rigged.
  5. I don't care about cloudy / sunny skies and rainy weather. I'm pale af and also grew up in one of the cloudiest places in the US (northeast Ohio). I much prefer cloudy/drizzly and mild to 35 C in the summer and -15 C in the winter. Right now here we're at about 90% of days in the past month being over 32 C / 90 F high temps.
  6. Thanks, this is invaluable info. Could be that we get this one (or similar) as a vacation house now, stay some months during the year, rent it out, let the mother-in-law stay there, until we're ready to retire. Then sell our house in the US and use that money to buy a permanent home in Ireland somewhere less remote.
  7. We're seriously considering this one: https://www.daft.ie/for-sale/detached-house-8-corrymore-village-dooagh-achill-co-mayo/5690930 Views from the house are great, but it's way the hell out there (and close to the westernmost pub in all of Europe??), and about an hour from Westport. HOWEVER, it is literally right next to Keem beach and the Cliffs of Croaghaun, which look amazing. Trying to think about balancing living so far out on Achill Island... https://maps.app.goo.gl/fSWmS9VEXtMrisbE8
  8. My take on it is that a large portion of his (most vocal) supporters are people who, before Trump, had not really participated much in the whole self-governing thing. My take again is that they didn't participate because they don't trust or like "the system" for whatever reason. So the self-governing was left to somewhat reasonable people (shouldn't the people who have interest in the system be the ones to participate?). Now that a candidate has come along that pretty much said he wants to disrupt and damage the system, these people have come out of the woodwork to rabidly support him. The rest of us who want to try and keep a functioning democracy with a modicum of decorum hate that Trump is basically the catalyst to destroying that (along with R enablers going back who knows how long, and for the record, the left and left-leaning media is not helping in how they handle Trump and his supporters but that's a whole other ball of wax). I'm not saying that our system isn't flawed, but I think the hate is coming from the real threat that these people really don't care if the system is severely damaged at the expense of many.
  9. I had this opinion for a few months, then some people on here helped me realize that spite voting for trump is not punishing the Dems, there's a whole lot more at stake, and that's an understatement. This shit is too important to spite vote. Vote dem, keep Trump out, and then work hard at lower levels. Get informed for local and state primaries, try and get the good candidates on the ballot for general elections, and hope that the momentum rolls upward.
  10. I don't necessarily see this as a problem (there may be other problems, but not this one). Personally, in 2016 I wrote in Bernie instead of voting for Clinton because I didn't think Trump had a chance. I'm sure lots of others on the left either wrote in or didn't even vote. The 2020 outcome IMO showed how much Trump can mobilize voters who opposed him (as well as those who support as well).
  11. Motion to change your display name to "Squeezza"
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