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EdamAnchorman last won the day on August 6 2022

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About EdamAnchorman

  • Birthday 08/26/1981

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  1. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/boeing-corporate-america-manufacturing/678137/
  2. https://jalopnik.com/a-tiktoker-got-trapped-inside-her-115-degree-tesla-mode-1851404777
  3. 1. I don't necessarily buy that. I don't think he'd care enough about anyone except himself (even his child) to put in as much effort as he did / does with Twitter / X. 2. If so, what's so wrong with someone holding those beliefs, bruh?
  4. These jerk-offs are not a legacy automaker, they are learning to build vehicles on the fly. They're compromising the safety of every Tesla driver and those around them but hey their market cap sure is impressive so let's keep the train going full speed...
  5. Wife and I just finished it. Was mostly entertaining, but felt kinda forced and thin at times.
  6. Wow. Gel-mullet + troglodyte chin + flannel + dumbass shades. Tell me you're a redneck moron without telling me you're a redneck moron.
  7. It's very clear what they're doing. Musk decreed that LIDAR and other capabilities that literally every other level 3/4 self-driving vehicle uses are stupid and too expensive, so Tesla is relying on cameras only. To do this and to do it well requires a shit-ton of data (real-world data is best, obv.) so Musk turned his fanbois into beta-testers. These people are putting their lives (and the lives of others) on the line so that Tesla can save a few $ per unit, not to mention that it's just foolish to continue to attempt to get to level 4 autonomy with cameras alone, especially when such better supplementary technology exists. Tesla were even so cheap that they only very recently added a camera which monitors the driver's eyes to ensure that they are paying attention to the road while using autonomous systems, something that every other company has done from the beginning (again, risking lives strictly to cut cost and make share price go up / burn the shorts).
  8. Wow, that's amazing! It managed to create what I hear in my head when I listen to most country songs!
  9. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5oKo4ArUKY/ Edit: Larry David tire changing AI song
  10. Not an exact parallel, but did McDonald's make people stop and question why they like the foods they like and what food means to them? No, they just shove it down their gullet. Like someone above said, music to most people is something that's ancillary, disposable, on in the background while they work/jog/exercise, etc. I think there are enough people out there who value music enough to create a market for human-made music, as long as it can still offer a superior experience.
  11. Idk, some of the stuff I find most interesting is when I hear something I didn't necessarily expect or something that I didn't necessarily know that I wanted to hear. Seems to me that this kind of thing would be great at churning out representative examples of what's out there but might not be as good or good at all at actually generating something good, new, and exciting that rests in a musical whitespace, so to speak?
  12. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-46346-0
  13. IMHO, Tom Fec from Black Moth Super Rainbow / Tobacco is a master of vocoder Edit: just love this one
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