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Guest abusivegeorge

assegai, it runs best in IE mate (even though thats not my main browser) come back in and run it on that, and words are alowed in the watmm room now mate.

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Guest Iain C

I'll be up for a few games in an hour or so... I need some lunch first I think. I'm going to have mashed potatoes.

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I've been practicing before i try to step foot in the watmm room. But i must say some of these rooms are anything goes, others are like *so and so votes to ban you from the room* just for like not drawing a good pic or i don't even understand wtf is going on half the time with some of these people, its like if you're on beginner why all the prudeness! I actually said "wtf FU!" the first time someone suggested i be kicked from a room cuz i didn't know you weren't supposed to use letters in the pics, which i know now, but damn, kind harsh. Then i got a really hard word to draw for and did a bad job and a bunch of people were like YOU SUCK, god you coulda done this or that. So i just typed fuck you and left. I wasn't banned from the server though so i dunno. "I was really drunk at the time". The person that kept suggesting that I , and many other people get kicked from the room was cherrie something. But really, if you're on beginner why be so strict. It seems to be embedded in a lot of the users to kcik anybody who doesn't instantlly get it.


But srsly. This site is addictive, and FUN.

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