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i thoroughly enjoyed it apart from the C: NONSENSE IN BASIC, where Sir Clive is freaking out about "jet set FUCKING willy" and the other bloke smirked at his colleague and said "my lad's up to Level 8". there is no level 8 on Jet Set Willy. Cunts


Also the on screen captions should have been Black sinclair 64 pixel text characters on white background instead of the traditional green on black.

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Also the on screen captions should have been Black sinclair 64 pixel text characters on white background instead of the traditional green on black.


true - guess it was for artistic reasons, more emotive and in keeping with early home computer visual identity - green screens VDUs etc.


Found some old transposed copies of Sinclair User - and this nutty story:



bottom story about computer programs on the B-sides of vinyl records...

Software sold on hard disc


SEVERAL RECORD companies have moved into the software business by including microcomputer programs on their latest record releases.


The move was started by EMI when it produced a single called Camouflage, while side B contains the ZX-81 programs. A spokesman for EMI says: "You could say that the state of play at the moment is healthy. We have had a very encouraging response from dealers."


Another computer single has been released by record company Mainframe. It has put programs on side B of the disc. The programs on the record are for the ZX-81, Spectrum, BBC microcomputer and Apple II.


Genetic Records Ltd has put a Spectrum program on to a new album, called XL1, by Peter Shelley. The program needed five months to perfect and will work on a 48K Spectrum.


The album was released in June and features 10 musical tracks as well as the program. The graphics displayed on the screen by the computer are synchronised with the music.


One difficulty which has arisen about the use of the records occurs when people try to record the computer tracks on to tape using a stereo system. The reproduction of computer programs using stereo is not good because of phasing problems. It is recommended that only one channel of a stereo is used and the other should be turned down.


EMI says that no complaints have been made about reproduction difficulties, although no information about the use of the computer tracks has been given on record sleeves. The company will, however, be examining the problem closely.

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i used to like singing into the mic socket, at a certain pitch and make it think it was loading a game, tricking it into doing all the blue and red scrolly stripes






what's the game? this could make for a good thread - guess the 8-bit game screenie.


ahh, stop the express. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L42qLS0ioKQ

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too easy. sabre wulf

my brother made a map of the maze on A1 paper faithfully recresting each screen in coloured felt tip lol

ah the good old days


probably a bit too easy this one...

i was blown away by how smoothly the cars scrolled in this game



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too easy. sabre wulf

my brother made a map of the maze on A1 paper faithfully recresting each screen in coloured felt tip lol

ah the good old days


probably a bit too easy this one...

i was blown away by how smoothly the cars scrolled in this game




im thinking spy hunter but it's not is it, its the other one?




Here's a few crackers:







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my old boss was CS's nephew.


defo has the zx genes in him. i see red (hot)dog music won some mia award for best indie shoppie. dont think paully g would have liked that, fancied that one fur himself eh??

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