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Ah BOLLIX. France v Ireland...

Guest Conor74

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Guest Conor74



I see even putting 'h' and 'a' in the correct order is beyond you.


Did I say dumb cunt already?


Is that how you and your football friends laugh?

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Why are you making a cuntish generalisation about Ireland chen?




It's not cuntish, it's twattish!


I thought we'ld forgotten about Ireland and were laughing at Liverpool already.


Why are we laughing at liverpool this time?

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Guest Conor74

Cheap and nasty shot.


If you have no difficulty with getting your giggles out of child abuse to make points on a music site, fair enough. I'm not sure you are immune to child abuse in England, or else in your stupidity and ignorance you possibly haven't heard of Robert Black or Ian Huntley or Roy Whiting or many others - Google them. Have you not even heard of Baby P? Should I form some opinion about you and your countrymen based on that case? Was that a hoot too?

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Guest Conor74

Shut up you paedo, noone's listening.


Taking a break from wanking over a Petr pic?


Any good Baby P jokes? Come on, it is all a laughing matter. Or a snot joke would be good too.

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Why are you getting so unsettled on a forum, with someone you've never met?

Just take it all with a pinch of salt yeah?

Get over it, I was having a laugh, which most people here tend to do, you however seem to be getting genuinely unsettled.

Do you really think I'd generalise a country in that manner? Do you really think I'd hold someones nationality against them?

Oh hang on, you can't actually answer that because you don't know me. Well I guess your points are valid then eh?


I'll apologise then. I'm sincerely sorry that I, someone whom you've never and will never meet, offended you in such a way that you had to resort to personal digs.

I apologise for bringing up the fact that I have friends (I still don't know why that bothered you?).



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Guest Conor74

you don't know me.


I know that. But I know your type.


The Irish are stupid, potato eating pricks, ha ha look at the child abuse, thick micks...hey hold on I was only having a laugh, what's your problem?


I don't need to know you personally. That stuff can be done with irony, but I am not sure you would know how to carry it off. Don't worry too much about it, we'll never meet, it's not like you should be concerned that I find your constant attempts to have a go at the Irish offensive. I appreciate you think it can be laughed off, because you are too stupid to know better. And that is patent, I don't need to know you to recognise stupidity.

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Oh and my Irish friends have never taken offense to me saying "Twiddley dee, top a da mornin" etc etc, because it's all taken into context.


I'm convinced you're just a hate monger now. I sincerely apologised and again you're 'attacking' me! No fair.

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Guest Conor74

Some of my closest friends are Irish. I'm half Irish.




The old 'some of my best friends' line gets dusted down.


I didn't know that, ward. In that case your posts about the Irish being bitter twats and the child abuse stuff were all hilarious. Sorry.

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you must realise i don't care, but for the record, yes, some of my closest friends are irish. And i am indeed half irish. Again, i don't really care that i've offended you, seems i had some fun at your expense. What a tit i am. I'm sure you'll get over it.

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just thought i'd point out that i brought up that child abuse link to mock you believing id actually generalise an entire nation. You absolute fucking sap.

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Guest Conor74

just thought i'd point out that i brought up that child abuse link to mock you believing id actually generalise an entire nation. You absolute fucking sap.


I see, so behind all the pidgin English you're actually very clever... :biggrin:

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Guest Conor74

why don't you two get a room or something


oh shit, Conor74 is writing a reply..




Too late! Point taken though.


I'm happy to move along. I think the only thing that would enable ward see his ignorance is some Clockwork Orange type session and posts are water off his back/thick neck.

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why don't you two get a room or something


oh shit, Conor74 is writing a reply..




Too late! Point taken though.


I'm happy to move along. I think the only thing that would enable ward see his ignorance is some Clockwork Orange type session and posts are water off his back/thick neck.


To summarise, I don't know what I'm more amused by; the fact that Ireland are out of the world cup or your arrogance.


Off topic:

Introduced a work colleague to boards of canada today because we had to drive out to a client and it's a very crystal clear sunny day. Perfect boards weather. He loved it.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Oh and my Irish friends have never taken offense to me saying "Twiddley dee, top a da mornin" etc etc, because it's all taken into context.


I'm convinced you're just a hate monger now. I sincerely apologised and again you're 'attacking' me! No fair.


Jim Davidson used to do a black character called Chalkie, he was well funny.


On a side note, was in a bar just off Canal Street in Manchester and on one of the toilet advertisements the was a poster for a Jim Davidson DVD, respect to the poster painter.

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