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Ah BOLLIX. France v Ireland...

Guest Conor74

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Guest Conor74



Racism is a problem facing society.


Now cheating is one of the biggest problems facing football...


I guess in a sport where someone like Eduardo dives and has his conduct examined and deemed acceptable by UEFA (or they couldn't prove that he intended to commit the technical offence of conning the ref or whatever, when the whole world simply saw cheating) what can you expect?

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Guest Dirty Protest

Any player in the world would have done the same thing. Sometimes you get away with it sometimes you dont, thats football and I wouldnt change it at all, dodgy ref decisions can be as interesting as a volly to the top corner.

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Guest Conor74

That is true. Yes I'm pissed off cos Ireland were on the receiving end of a shite decision, but on the other hand it is part and parcel of the game itself. And of course what Henry did is part of the game too, just not the beautiful part.

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I feel sorry for Ireland. Would've liked to have seen them there. But now I feel sorry for Henry too... In Ireland at least all his prowess as a footballer will be forgotten because of a handball.


Although, to be fair, why should he give a fuck about Ireland. LOL.

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Guest Conor74

it'll just make the england vs france world cup game alot more intresting!


All the Irish rooting for England.


It could be the start of a beautiful relationship.

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Guest Otto Krat

Lol I am french but I seriously supported Ireland yesterday (because actually I am half italian and I support Italy so the french team is some kind of a rival for me).


I have rarely seen such an unfair result. Ireland played with heart, Henry answered with hands. What a shame.

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Guest Conor74

Keane's message is we must all get over something that happened last week, and the handball was actually the fault of the Irish...but he can't get over something that happened 7 years ago and which was his fault!


Nuts. At this stage he seems to be a figure of fun, a novelty, the fellow who battled alcohol and anger issues yet demanded perfection in others, the man who said the "autobiography" for which he paid a fortune quoted him incorrectly, the man who railed against prawn sandwiches while showing himself to be very fond of money etc. etc. They should pat him on the head and give him some pills and tell him to relax and let football to others...

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