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Teach your kids fisting!

Guest Fishtank

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Guest Fishtank



During the 2000 conference, workshop leaders led a “youth only, ages 14-21″ session that offered lessons in “fisting” a dangerous sexual practice. During another workshop an activist asked 14 year-old students, “Spit or swallow?… Is it rude?”


But despite Media Matters’ claims, Kevin Jennings and his GLSEN organization did nothing to clean up their act. In fact in 2001 activists handed out “fisting kits” to the children and teachers who attended the GLSEN conference.




it's good to know they'll get it right the fist time!!

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Amazing that no one else has heard about this. Can't wait until Glenn Beck or O'Reilly get their hands on this. Or should I say, get their fists on this. Some prime youtube material in the works.

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Guest GrandPopPoplock

Quite possibly the best story of 09 .


I would high five my 14 year old if he or she came home with a fisting kit . Fuckin' epic , man .

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

WTF(by that I mean "what the fuck" for the vocal acronym unawares of watmm) "I dont know the calorie count of cum, is it rude to not swallow??"

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here's the thing though: this is not being taught in public schools, but rather at a private university.

I imagine the kids' parents had to sign some permission forms or something like that.

It'll probably just be a fabrication from the republicans and it'll end up with Sarah Palin's retarded baby as the head of the conspiracy.

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Guest abusivegeorge

You'd think that anything which had to fight it's way out of a vagina would have adopted something like fisting inherently.

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it'd just be a bS herring yeah .. talking point for the pointless drone ppl .. or a webjoke picked up by the dorks at that blog ..


Of course i didn't go to the link, nor did i research the topic. So my knowledge on this matter will probably be on par with beck's or limbaugh's, if they ever scrape this idea up.

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I would love for this to take off in the national media actually. Can you imagine fisting getting as much coverage as Tiger Woods sticking his wang in various vaginii?

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Guest Spittal

Wait... this is from 2000? Why is this being talking about now...?


'Cause Obama just made the "Calorie count of cum" guy his "Safe Schools Czar"... Whatever that means.


Canada doesn't have anything called "Czars" in our government... I find it just a little ironic that the US does...

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maybe...unless Tiger Woods was found to be fisting all those wimminz

seriously aren't there like 10 alleged mistresses? damn


What? Tiger's a brotha...he don't need no fist.

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