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Journey to the Eye


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Imagine yourself as a scientist, a perverted, yet brilliant man/woman. You have just created a small transport ship, something that can hold maybe 4 people max. The purpose of this device is to be a vehicle which can be shrunk down small enough to travel into the asshole, or anus if you will, of the person of your choice,and either by yourself or with a couple friends.


Now imagine yourself JUST getting small. You have pretty much gotten acclimated to being of tiny proportions. You are now slowly, but gradually more confidently leaning into the throttle. This is the journey to the eye.


Journey to the Eye Soundcloud

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the beat at the beginning is cheesy. then you introduce a cheesy bassline. at one minute in i thought you were going to drop some super hard cheese which would have been nice. the breakdowns stand out, and i rather like how your drums are crisp.


i think if you take a track like this and manage to give it another gear of full-on attack it will be better. as it is, i think you have fun making music and i like your future.

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Guest Fishtank

A story, nice touch!


the song sounds um, bouncy comes to mind

lots of acid synth

I like the jumping snare in the background

bass rolls are always cool LOL

all in all not bad will D/L

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the beat at the beginning is cheesy. then you introduce a cheesy bassline. at one minute in i thought you were going to drop some super hard cheese which would have been nice.


lol awesome. next track, you're gunna be all like "CHEESUS CHRIST"

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This is pretty sick, I think if you were more inventive with the acid line in terms of res/decay it would be better, but hey just my opinion. Btw, what prog. did you use to make this?

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the beat at the beginning is cheesy. then you introduce a cheesy bassline. at one minute in i thought you were going to drop some super hard cheese which would have been nice.


lol awesome. next track, you're gunna be all like "CHEESUS CHRIST"


good! GREAT JUSTICE comes from the EPIC WIN that is not being super serious with the music. too much "idm" is way too serious and important. where is this branch acidian EP that you speak of?

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Guest Zoinkers Hammyshammy

My favorite part is the ending, after the bass drops out. I like the sustained synth and the way it fragments and warbles to a stop. Overall, it has a good amount of momentum and sustains its length.

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