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what words are you offended by?

Guest ezkerraldean

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:facepalm: if you don't get what I mean by now that I don't think there's anything I can say over in text form to help you understand the context in which I would say such things and the optimistic outlook one could have on it but...


I think very similar to the way Louis CK say's calling someone a faggot has almost nothing at all to do with being gay. Calling someone a nigger or a spick isn't in reference to being black or mexican its referring the stupid behavior that you would call a stereotype(that can commonly can truly exist) not the race or sexual preference. a white dood can act like a nigger and straight heterosexual german midget black person can act like a faggot.... but words mean different things to some people and like I said in IRL I use very strong discretion in thinking of what I say and how someone could feel about it. I thought could assume certain things about watmm users but I try not to assume much on this forum anymore and try to be more careful.


the way I think of all these slurs really are completely separated from actual race, sex, sexual preference, religion and I think a lot of people to do too.


So you acknowledge that words like nigger, spick, faggot etc could be harmful to some people but you think they're entirely harmless.


What is acting like a nigger? What is acting like a faggot? Where do the stereotypes come from?

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I agree with chen, as I said I am not offended by 'nigger' but I think using it casually could be interpretted as you suggesting all the weight behind that word can be ignored. If I made a rape joke and later found out that someone present had been raped I would regret it, so if I make light of black oppression in front of a black person who has experienced it then I'd feel bad about that too, and that's what I think you're doing if you use that word

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Guest abusivegeorge

I often call you lot faggots when you're all acting like girls, mostly because gay guys are very afeminate!

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Guest ezkerraldean

I often call you lot faggots when you're all acting like girls, mostly because gay guys are very afeminate!

but gays dont like IDM innit

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Guest ryanmcallister

i cringe when people pronounce "coupon" like "kyoopawn"

who says "ta-maw-toe"? or "ad-vert-iss-ment" or "ex-spear-iment"?

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I often call you lot faggots when you're all acting like girls, mostly because gay guys are very afeminate!


fucking effeminate you sausage fiddler.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Afeminate, and I qoute


"Greek for a crying pussy. Used for, gay behaviour or people. Much like the western use of pussy but much stronger..


So fuck you chenGOD you big crying pussy.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

:facepalm: if you don't get what I mean by now that I don't think there's anything I can say over in text form to help you understand the context in which I would say such things and the optimistic outlook one could have on it but...


I think very similar to the way Louis CK say's calling someone a faggot has almost nothing at all to do with being gay. Calling someone a nigger or a spick isn't in reference to being black or mexican its referring the stupid behavior that you would call a stereotype(that can commonly can truly exist) not the race or sexual preference. a white dood can act like a nigger and straight heterosexual german midget black person can act like a faggot.... but words mean different things to some people and like I said in IRL I use very strong discretion in thinking of what I say and how someone could feel about it. I thought could assume certain things about watmm users but I try not to assume much on this forum anymore and try to be more careful.


the way I think of all these slurs really are completely separated from actual race, sex, sexual preference, religion and I think a lot of people to do too.


So you acknowledge that words like nigger, spick, faggot etc could be harmful to some people but you think they're entirely harmless.


What is acting like a nigger? What is acting like a faggot? Where do the stereotypes come from?



........ I have repeatedly said that I use discretion and only use words like that around people I know use them too and understand dynamic concept of words and don't take things extremely personally for no good constructive reason. jesus titty fucking christ how can you not understand that there's gay people who call flamboyantly self centered materialistic drama queen's "f*ggots" or that black people can feel there races work to grow out of oppression is being ruined by african americans who make bad examples steal, talk like tay don kno how tah speak umurican cuh lemme axe you a question and act like "n1ggers". these words are based on actions not concrete definitions of a type of human.


its just a name for a bad example in behavior and doesn't define a race. the difference between my definition of acting like a "n1Gger" and white trash(dont need to mess with the spelling on that cause no one cares if you say white trash cracka ass honkey) is minimal in all grand scheme of things..


I wonder where these stereotypes come from??? cause some people live and breathe them.. and they shouldn't be encouraged.

its not politically correct and the words aren't "nice" when I say dont be a faggot I mean dont be a flamboyantly self centered materialistic drama queen not dont be a homosexual.. and thats meant to make someone think about their behavior not their sexual preference.


but one could say in nonsensical jubilation "holy pink n1gg3r cunt I won the lottery, sweeet" they are just dumb words with multiple meaning. just like swearing competent humans find a proper place for them I would not say fuck in a restaurant, just as I would not say god damn faggot wop on a train.



dear tap dancing christ I cant believe Im still describing my opinion on this your questions are borderline trolling as I have described my point of view more than enough

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BFC - I know exactly what you mean.

But herein lies the rub: nigger doesn't actually mean what you think it means, and neither does faggot.


You use them in your circle of friends because you feel safe there. No one will attack you for using those words. Since you know the words are hurtful to many, you don't use them elsewhere.



It's cool though. Keep keeping on.




george your use of greek is rather off-putting. please, no more. :flower:

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Panaeity. AKA the state of being 'bread'. Why does this word even exist? It's existence offends me; it *insists* upon itself

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Guest Dirty Protest

Words arnt offensive, people are offensive. I'm so pissed, my insides are like a bad parasite.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

But herein lies the rub: nigger doesn't actually mean what you think it means, and neither does faggot.


the origins of words or what they mean in another country, to people you would not say them to is kind of irrelevant though right? the swastika and the pentagram were originally created as positive symbols but if I put up a flag up on my front door people with those on it, people will drive by and throw shit through my windows at night. those symbols have gone from representing something good hear to representing something negative. the same way words can come from seriously hateful origins and be turned into something so watered down it has little to no negative value for someone who actually wants to use them to be painful.

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You've already acknowledged that these words can be very hurtful to be people outside your circle of friends.

It is certainly not irrelevant because our actions have real consequences.

Look: those words started out as derogatory terms, you continue to use them as derogatory terms. You cannot ignore the social origins of the words.

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