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[OAK] 6/3 FREE! - wAgAwAgA, J.Rogers, Kush Arora, Fluorescent Grey + more tba


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just thought of an idea, since i'm playing first i can come pick up some SF wattmers at the West Grand Ave. bart station (first one out of the city) and drop you back off at a later time....Troon, Braintree, Kcinsu, Cats on earth, Awkward/Benedict or more of you SF/east bay locals (if you are please identify yourself) anyone let me know if you are interested :)

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fuck i would love to go to this!!! maybe if some money lands in my lap i will take the flight . . live waga + fl grey + watmm = excitement in the mouth! i am available for sound work if anybody wants to help subsidize a trip :emotawesomepm9::sleep::happy::whistling:

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  • 2 weeks later...

went off pretty nice, could have gotten more people in there but given that it was a Thursday night right after the memorial day weekend i think it turned out pretty good.

Sam got to meet a lot of musicians out here and im happy that overall he got to play 3 extremely different type of gigs.

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