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Rugby League

Guest James Cagney

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Guest James Cagney

So I'm drunk and watching a rugby league game and sam wondering why on most tackles do the defenders lay there and sort of molest the ball carrier for a while? WHy doesn't they let the ball guy get right up and do the foot roll thing? Are they trying to get possession by stealing the ball? Because it doesn't look like it?


I've only watched union so I kind of confused.

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So I'm drunk and watching a rugby league game and sam wondering why on most tackles do the defenders lay there and sort of molest the ball carrier for a while? WHy doesn't they let the ball guy get right up and do the foot roll thing? Are they trying to get possession by stealing the ball? Because it doesn't look like it?


I've only watched union so I kind of confused.


you need to make sure the ref. and more importantly player under you accepts that a tackle has occurred. Otherwise the player tackled may continue to play the ball by trhowing it out to a team mate. Sometimes though it's gay love, hehe.

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