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Destination Church



What Kind Of People Go To Destination?


Destination Church is situated on the north side of the city. We have a big heart for all types of people. We attract students, young professionals, singles, couples, families, business men and women, pretty much anyone who lives in the vicinity finds the church to be welcoming and relevant. We draw people from around the city as well who find Destination worth the trip.

What If I’ve Never Been To Church Before?


That’s ok. To be honest, we really aren’t experts in this field, so we try to keep things pretty simple. You wont be expected to do anything, say anything or be anything. It is very easy to arrive, enter, find a drink, locate the restrooms and take a seat. After that, it’s even more simple. We stand up for our worship songs (you are welcome to sit) and sit down during the message. Told you, it’s REALLY straightforward. And, if you really want to meet people that’s easy as well.

What Am I Expected To Do?


Expect there to be no expectations. There’s no secret code or special knowledge you need to know ahead of time. We simply expect you to enjoy the service and hopefully learn something helpful.

What Should I Wear?


Dress casually and comfortably (jeans, shorts, t-shirts – whatever works for you is cool with us).

What Will The Worship Songs Be Like?


We mainly sing contemporary Christian worship music and mix in traditional hymns from time to time as well as write a few songs of our own. We’ll sing well known and current songs from Matt Redman, Hillsongs United, Stuart Townsend, Simon Brading, Tim Hughes, Chris Tomlin, Jesus Culture, Paul Oakley, etc …

What If I’m Running Late?


Everyone’s late to something. Don’t sweat it. Our greeters will be there to help you find a seat to make your arrival smooth. Better late than never!

How Do I Get There?


Please read our contact us page for directions.

Will I Be Asked To Give Money?


No. We take up an offering each week for those who consider Destination Church to be their church. There is no expectation for guests to give. Giving is a part of how we worship God, and because worship is a choice we will never expect or request guests to give financially towards our vision. Those who have taken the step of membership are encouraged to give with excitement and joy rather than out of obligation. When the basket comes by at the end of the meeting please pass it on.

What About My Kids?


Kids love Destination because we have a large play tent, toys, padded floor and crafts. Our interactive kids DVD program is Bible based and super fun. Our goal is that Sunday at church will be the BEST experience of your child’s week! Our team consists of trustworthy and trained members who have passed a background check. We currently offer a nursery for newborn to 2 and a program for kids ages 2-8. Children 4-8 receive a fun pack to use during the worship and are collected by our trained teachers during the last song. Instructions for this are given from the front. Check your kids in between 9:50am and 10am. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Can I Bring Someone With Me?



What Kind Of Church Is Destination?


We are nontraditional yet serious about enjoying our faith. We are organic and organized. We don’t belong to a denomination but we are strongly connected to churches throughout the world called Newfrontiers. We teach the Bible and expect to have a genuine relationship with Christ.

What Are The Messages Like?


See for yourself. Our goal in our preaching is life transformation not just the transmission of information. Bible knowledge is not assumed, it’s explained. We recognize that not everyone learns in a literate way, but everyone learns orally. It’s the personal stories that you remember from speeches. It’s the charisma that you found contagious. It’s the down to earth, practical, intellectual, emotional and personal message that gets set apart in your mind. We don’t achieve that every time, but it’s our goal. We teach directly from the Bible but in a relevant style.

How Long Are The Meetings?


We start at 10am and end around 11:30am — so you get to maximize your time on a Sunday. There is also plenty of time afterward to grab another coffee if you don’t have immediate plans. Plus, we have a free book for all our first time guests who complete and turn in a communication card, so grab one as you leave. It’s a little thank you for visiting and staying till the end!

Where Are The Restrooms?


As you enter the Theatre (entrance on south side of Belmont Ave) you can either take the elevator (on the right) or the stairs (to the left) to the first floor. As you enter the foyer area the men’s restrooms are towards the back on the right and women’s restroom are towards the back on the left. There are signs on the wall. The restrooms are really nice by the way! The Theatre is on the left as you enter the foyer.

If I Like It, How Do I Get Involved?


You can indicate on the back of your communication card if you are interested in getting more involved. We’ll show you how in the meeting. It’s super easy.

Who Leads Destination Church?


The founding pastor is Matt Sweetman. Matt is from Brighton England and is married to Heather who grew up in Kansas City. They currently have 2 boys, Jones (2 yr) and Macrae (1 yr). Matt has a background in online marketing. He has completed the Trilogy leadership project and Church Planting Training offered by Newfrontiers USA.

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