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Xbox 360 Kinect

Rubin Farr

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

LOL indeed


Looks like at the most 3 of the Launch Kinect games are kind of fun. I am pretty confident we will see some above mediocre stuff for Kinect at some point maybe.

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I wonder if now that there is motion capture on all 3 platforms if it will encourage developers to make more sophisticated games that support it. The games I played on Kinect were similar to ones I played on wii, family/party/sports. I could imagine it being cool for something like Splinter Cell, although I don't know how they would pull off running up a wall and straddling it, or hopping over a railing, hanging and pulling someone over. If it could be done though I would be impressed.

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I wonder if now that there is motion capture on all 3 platforms if it will encourage developers to make more sophisticated games that support it. The games I played on Kinect were similar to ones I played on wii, family/party/sports. I could imagine it being cool for something like Splinter Cell, although I don't know how they would pull off running up a wall and straddling it, or hopping over a railing, hanging and pulling someone over. If it could be done though I would be impressed.


They could and SHOULD definitely work it into the next Rainbow Six or Ghost Recon. Imagine telling your team mates to hold just by holding up your hand - how awesome would THAT be? But Microsoft and Sony know that the demographics for motion controllers aren't hardcore gamers so I don't think they're going to experiment a whole lot on that front. They're going for the mini and casual games. Sony is trying to add motion controllers to a lot of their hardcore games though, but I don't think that'll appeal to any of the hardcore gamers because hardcore gamers want efficiency (they want to able to make a 180 turn in an instant) and fast gameplay - and that's not exactly what the motion controllers are known for.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I guarantee we will see a lot of failures and successes in using motion control in serious games. There is a lot of potential there and I know a lot of serious developers are itching to do it right. It's just not easy to do and the early titles using Sony's wand ball and Kinect are not going to be that impressive.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I want Lionhead Studios to make Black & White 3 with Kinect support

Probably the only game I would get psyched out of my mind to see happen with motion control.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

it's like they were trying to appeal to people who don't really care about games that much.


Didn't Miyamoto or someone actually say that the focus of the Wii was to pull in people who didn't really play games?


yea, but the game isn't what they care about. it's the control method. it's like drawing in people with a fancy book cover for a book.


I wonder if now that there is motion capture on all 3 platforms if it will encourage developers to make more sophisticated games that support it. The games I played on Kinect were similar to ones I played on wii, family/party/sports. I could imagine it being cool for something like Splinter Cell, although I don't know how they would pull off running up a wall and straddling it, or hopping over a railing, hanging and pulling someone over. If it could be done though I would be impressed.


holy shit, i'd SO do this if it were real

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Kinect has been hacked. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the first thought I had after having seen that infra-red video of how Kinect works was one of personal intrusion.

If it were possible to watch every Kinect user it would give a person/company a window into your room. See: 1984's telescreens, Dark Knight mobile phones.

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