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Brazda lui Novac - Square

Guest Brazda lui Novac

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Once this gets going about a minute in, it really is quite good indeed, the visuals definitely compliment the track really well, quite mesmerizing, deserves to be seen fullscreen!

Great beats. Initially I thought the fast gating guitar/synth type effect in the first minute was a bit overpowering but it makes sense in the context of the track. The rest is really enjoyable.

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Guest Brazda lui Novac

Considering it's already released on an album for quite some time, you cannot qualify it as "latest creation" in search of feedback for fine tuning (a thing which I never did btw, but there is always someone who wants something to be done as he/she wants :rolleyes: )Thank God not here! (yet?) But I am glad I posted it in the right place. Here is the album for anyone interested:







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