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beeba baba boobah bwuuuugh

Guest hahathhat

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Guest Lube Saibot

it's robbed of being an incredible track by a few odd choices in drums, mixing, and a bit of a cling to olden shit*, but otherwise... the wino vox and overall songwriting... wow.


* forget iddum, this needs to be proper 2011 techno. and yeah i know you don't give a shit.

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Guest hahathhat

it's robbed of being an incredible track by a few odd choices in drums, mixing, and a bit of a cling to olden shit*, but otherwise... the wino vox and overall songwriting... wow.


* forget iddum, this needs to be proper 2011 techno. and yeah i know you don't give a shit.


i'd honestly consider your criticism, if only i understood it. nonetheless, thanks, it was a lovely review.

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Guest Lube Saibot

it's robbed of being an incredible track by a few odd choices in drums, mixing, and a bit of a cling to olden shit*, but otherwise... the wino vox and overall songwriting... wow.


* forget iddum, this needs to be proper 2011 techno. and yeah i know you don't give a shit.


i'd honestly consider your criticism, if only i understood it. nonetheless, thanks, it was a lovely review.


well, let me be more specific. I've been listening to a lot of your stuff ever since i joined watmm and a lot of it just sounds like post-aphex aimless experimental meandering. you're like the musical and talented counterpart to tht tne!'s histrionics, but nevertheless in the same ballpark.


but with this specific track you really hit home, in my case at least. i say this in full sincerity: songwriting-wise, this is splendid. awe-inspiringly alien, yet quite emotional. i just feel if you dropped the analord drums/synths, and the entire underachiever lo-fi mixing/production/aesthetic, and turned this into something akin to a contemporary DJ Koze- or Martin Stimming-type deal, it would rock the socks off a lot of people. because the "hook", and the use of that wino sample, are fucking CLASS.


"and yeah i know you don't give a shit" = you have a watmm MO quite akin to Ludd's, or so - random, trolly, iddum-fo-life, and endearingly nonchalant.

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Guest hahathhat

well, let me be more specific. I've been listening to a lot of your stuff ever since i joined watmm and a lot of it just sounds like post-aphex aimless experimental meandering. you're like the musical and talented counterpart to tht tne!'s histrionics, but nevertheless in the same ballpark.


is that a compliment to me, or an insult to tht tne!?


i may be post-aphex, but that's only because aphex is over (please prove me wrong, richard).


but with this specific track you really hit home, in my case at least. i say this in full sincerity: songwriting-wise, this is splendid. awe-inspiringly alien, yet quite emotional. i just feel if you dropped the analord drums/synths, and the entire underachiever lo-fi mixing/production/aesthetic, and turned this into something akin to a contemporary DJ Koze- or Martin Stimming-type deal, it would rock the socks off a lot of people. because the "hook", and the use of that wino sample, are fucking CLASS.


is this a troll? who is dj koze? who is martin stimming? why are they relevant to me huffing my own vapourz in a synthesizer-choc basement ?


i still have yet to hear a specific complaint. where is the mixing bad? what is an "analord drums/synths" and why is it offensive ?


nonetheless, i'm glad the songwriting agrees with you. i believe the synth patches and drum sounds are an integral part of the songwriting. the wrong casio preset can entirely ruin the mood


"and yeah i know you don't give a shit" = you have a watmm MO quite akin to Ludd's, or so - random, trolly, iddum-fo-life, and endearingly nonchalant.


i give a shit. it's also possible you're a troll, or you're incompetent, or whatever. i do what i do for a reason, and i'm not budging unless i'm damn well convinced. i feel like my current course will only get deeper and heavier. if i start to feel the well run dry, or that my current approach is a waste of my time, then i will change it up.

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Dude, Lube gave you a far more detailed, informative critique than most people receive around here. Take that as a compliment in and of itself, and perhaps even consider what he said.

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Guest hahathhat

Dude, Lube gave you a far more detailed, informative critique than most people receive around here. Take that as a compliment in and of itself, and perhaps even consider what he said.


i'm really not sure how i'm supposed to make my music less analord, more like some people i'm not familiar with. i was just trying to do a song about a happy-go-lucky wino. i was wondering if he hated some particular synth patch or drum noise? or perhaps he just hates my clumsy pawing of the faders.... and maybe i was a little intense in my reply due to the troll factor around here, but i really would like to understand exactly what his problem is !

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I think I agree with Lube Saibot to an extent. It feels like a very nice piece of music is in there, but something about the tone of the synth makes it feel less expansive than it could be. And the drums don't have quite enough oomph for my liking.

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Guest Lube Saibot

Dude, Lube gave you a far more detailed, informative critique than most people receive around here. Take that as a compliment in and of itself, and perhaps even consider what he said.


i'm really not sure how i'm supposed to make my music less analord, more like some people i'm not familiar with. i was just trying to do a song about a happy-go-lucky wino. i was wondering if he hated some particular synth patch or drum noise? or perhaps he just hates my clumsy pawing of the faders.... and maybe i was a little intense in my reply due to the troll factor around here, but i really would like to understand exactly what his problem is !


i wasn't trolling at all man. i genuinely liked the song, and genuinely hated the production. wasn't being facetious in the slightest bit. the comparisons to koze and stimming came from your track's use of vocals.





i usually don't check out YLC a lot (i am cunt, yes), and when I do I'm not at all impressed by stuff that is "apt" in whatever over-done direction it pursued. I only take the time to comment when sometimes actually strikes me as very original, potentially massive, and i feel like my comment could possibly give at least 1% of perspective that could help in nudging it that bit towards massiveness. that might sound a bit megalomaniacal, but we're talking music, not chartered accountancy, i think it's a prime venue for getting excited.


in both your replies you feign ignorance, as if i somehow eschewed a point, or tiptoed around the issue, and claim bias. well, ok, I'm biased against using a done-to-death production aesthetic in making NEW music, and you're biased towards it to the point of going "i don't see what the problem is".


alright, point taken. I'll refrain in the future.


well, let me be more specific. I've been listening to a lot of your stuff ever since i joined watmm and a lot of it just sounds like post-aphex aimless experimental meandering. you're like the musical and talented counterpart to tht tne!'s histrionics, but nevertheless in the same ballpark.


is that a compliment to me, or an insult to tht tne!?



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Guest hahathhat

that koze track, the pitching of the kick -- i see what you mean. the other one, not so much.


I think I agree with Lube Saibot to an extent. It feels like a very nice piece of music is in there, but something about the tone of the synth makes it feel less expansive than it could be. And the drums don't have quite enough oomph for my liking.


it's hard to explain without getting rambly, but i grew up playing with old 90s PCs and it absolutely delights me that my music sounds like a soundblaster 16 dropping acid. is this it?


or is it more stuff like: the shuffly drums at the beginning have no definition and i flubbed the motions a bit. i should have brought the melody that comes in at the end in sooner, and left it playing longer.


is the mix shit? i'd understand that as a complaint too.

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Guest Lube Saibot

after several re-listens i even like all the synths now, if you just glued them together a bit more (compress them together and maybe add a subtle room reverb), mixed the whole thing differently and complete re-did the drums i think it would be a perfect track that i would sincerely gush about.

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Guest hahathhat

i really need to get around to hardware compression. i just recorded stereo mix to the computer..... but if i had a compressor with KNOBS in front of me i am certain it would improve things somehow. versus the software compressor, which is passable but not fantastic.

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Guest Lube Saibot

i really need to get around to hardware compression. i just recorded stereo mix to the computer..... but if i had a compressor with KNOBS in front of me i am certain it would improve things somehow. versus the software compressor, which is passable but not fantastic.


wait... sooo... what exactly was the workflow/signal path in this track?

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Guest hahathhat

i do this stuff on hardware, mix it by hand, record to an uncompressed stereo wav. then when i have a bit of distance from the song, i go back and (in cubase) add EQ/light compression.

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i really need to get around to hardware compression.


Careful, there. If you start playing with hardware compression you run the risk of becoming an egotistical asshole! Some guy on the internet told me so.

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Guest hahathhat

i really need to get around to hardware compression.


Careful, there. If you start playing with hardware compression you run the risk of becoming an egotistical asshole! Some guy on the internet told me so.


give it up, dude.

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Guest Lube Saibot

i do this stuff on hardware, mix it by hand, record to an uncompressed stereo wav. then when i have a bit of distance from the song, i go back and (in cubase) add EQ/light compression.


this explains a lot actually. is it possible at all to record all the different hardware simultaneously but separately? or is it a problem of not enough interface ins?


trust me, a hardware compressor won't solve your problems if you're still just master buss compressing everything together in the final stage.

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Guest hahathhat

i do this stuff on hardware, mix it by hand, record to an uncompressed stereo wav. then when i have a bit of distance from the song, i go back and (in cubase) add EQ/light compression.


this explains a lot actually. is it possible at all to record all the different hardware simultaneously but separately? or is it a problem of not enough interface ins?


trust me, a hardware compressor won't solve your problems if you're still just master buss compressing everything together in the final stage.


i could, but it'd be a royal pain in the ass. the idea is more to apply the compressor before it goes to the computer, while the tracks are still apart.

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Guest hahathhat

also, i don't want to mix on the computer !

this is important.


i have gone the other way, though -- programmed a track entirely with VSTs, then sent them all out to mix on my mixer....

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